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They are enemies, deadly to themselves and to me and to you, till then; till then, while hope yet lasts, I will treat them as brothers fallen insane; when hope has ended, with tears grown sacred and wrath grown sacred, I will cut them off in the name of God! It is at my peril if I do not. With the servant of Satan I dare not continue in partnership.

"But," said Thuillier, "our deed of partnership seems to me to settle " " that by a paltry forfeit of five thousand francs, as stated in Article 14," interrupted Theodose, "you can put me, when you choose, out of doors. No, I thank you! After my experience to-day, I want some better security than that." At this moment Cerizet with a lively and all-conquering air, entered the room.

Next September, on his twenty-first birthday, Carl will be admitted to a junior partnership in the business, his father furnishing the necessary capital. Carl's stepmother is in Chicago, and her allowance is paid to her quarterly through a Chicago bank. She has considerable trouble with Peter, who has become less submissive as he grows older, and is unwilling to settle down to steady work.

There was some trouble about a license some fee or fine there was a storm in the night that damaged the soda fountain and other fixtures there was talk and consultation between the houses of Antin and Wilner and the promising partnership was dissolved. No more would the merry partner gather the crowd on the beach; no more would the twelve young Wilners gambol like mermen and mermaids in the surf.

If the partner were not an apprentice, but that they either came out of their times together, or near it, or had a shop and business before, but quitted it to come in, it may then be said that he brought part of the trade with him, and so increased the trade when he joined with the other in proportion to what he may be said to carry away when he went off; this is the best thing that can be said of a partnership; and then I have this to add, first, that the tradesman who took the partner in has a fair field, indeed, to act in with his partner, and must take care, by his constant attendance, due acquaintance with the customers, and appearing in every part of the business, to maintain not his interest only, but the appearance of his interest, in the shop or warehouse, that he may, on every occasion, and to every customer, not only be, but be known to be, the master and head of the business; and that the other is at best but a partner, and not a chief partner, as, in case of his absence and negligence, will presently be suggested; for he that chiefly appears will be always chief partner in the eye of the customers, whatever he is in the substance of the thing.

This may account for his leaving Cosimo so young, and setting up his studio with Mariotto as his companion, in his own house at the gate of S. Pier Gattolini; this partnership began presumably about the year 1490.

He put a paper on Polichinelle's table amid the grease-paints. "Cast your eye over that. It's a sort of last will and testament in favour of the troupe. I was a lawyer once; the document is in order. I relinquish to all of you the share produced by my partnership in the company."

I think I shall write him a farewell note, saying it's only for a time: I mean, that I may return later on dormant partnership nothing really changed, don't you know? But that as Rose and Lilian are going, Mrs. what does she call herself, Claridge?" Claridge, then, is coming in my stead He's to help her all he can and my cousin, who is reading for the Bar, will also look in when you are very busy.

"Yes," answered Jack rather wonderingly. "You seem to know a lot about it." "Of course I do," replied Maurice boisterously. "From Durnovo?" "Yes; he even offered to take me into partnership." Jack turned on him in a flash. "Did he indeed? On what conditions?" And then, when it was too late, Maurice saw his mistake.

As he walked he passed a man who was standing still, looking at the waves. 'I wonder, said the thief, addressing the stranger, 'if you have ever seen a stone swimming? 'Most certainly I have, replied the other man, 'and, what is more, I saw the same stone jump out of the water and fly through the air. 'This is capital, replied the thief. 'You and I must go into partnership.