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I dare say but for that half-loaf, he would have made a trial sooner, but I doubt if he would have succeeded sooner. He did not think of going to parson, doctor, or policeman for advice; he went walking and staring, followed by Tommy with his hands in his pocketless pocket-holes. Clare was not yet practical in device, though perfect in willingness, and thorough in design.

"It is damned foolish for ladies to leave their scissors about; the frail thread of a worthless life is soon snipped. I wish to God my fate had been true to its first destination, and made a parson of me; I should have made an excellent country Joll.

She longed to help him. "Would you like to see Mr. Haggard?" she asked awkwardly. He shook his head, amused. "He'd come the parson over me." "I don't think he would." "He couldn't help it if he was true to his cloth." "I'm not sure he is," said Boy doubtfully. "You're the same," he said. She glanced up at him swiftly. His eyes were mischievous, almost roguish. "What d'you mean?"

We looked like a medical student about to perform an operation, and she like a patient, with this difference that it was the patient who arranged the dressing. When she was ready that is, when she had placed the aroph as neatly as a skull-cap fits a parson she put herself in the proper position for the preparation to mix with the semen.

The frame was light, and the cabin was built with double boards, with building paper between, to keep out the cold wintry winds. "Gentlemen," Rasba choked, looking at the two donors of the gift, "I'm going to be the best kind of a man I know how " "It's your job to be a parson," Buck laughed. "If it wasn't for men like us, that need reforming, you'd be up against it for something to look out for.

Thou mayst say the same of half our Northern youth! They think it grand to dabble with seminary priests in hiding, and talk big about their conscience and the like, but when they've seen a neighbour or two pay down a heavy fine for recusancy, they think better of it, and a good wife settles their brains to jog to church to hear the parson with the rest of them."

There is one fellow amongst them for whom we entertain a particular aversion; a big, burly parson, with the face of a lion, the voice of a buffalo, and a fist like a sledge-hammer. The last time I was there, I observed that his eye was upon me, and I did not like the glance he gave me at all; I observed him clench his fist, and I took my departure as fast as I conveniently could.

"I may have." "Then what might your meaning be in calling me 'Sir John' these different times, when I be plain Jack Durbeyfield, the haggler?" The parson rode a step or two nearer. "It was only my whim," he said; and, after a moment's hesitation: "It was on account of a discovery I made some little time ago, whilst I was hunting up pedigrees for the new county history.

We fully expected the next morning to find some log houses, within ten or fifteen miles, where we should be able to procure another horse for the parson, and some more ammunition, as we had scarcely half a pound of balls left between us.

I've suffered enough, God knows, to deserve a little comfort now." "All that I have is yours, father. I want nothing for myself." "Then hand it over the control of it, I mean. I'll make you a handsome allowance; and I'll give you this place, too. I don't want to rot here.... Marry that good-looking parson and settle down, if you like.