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Why not go inside for a shampoo? She turned to her companions. "I suppose it is perfectly proper under the circumstances to go inside somehow. I'll apply for a shampoo!" "But the rest of us?" wailed the curious Velma. "Ask for something else," suggested the resourceful Jane. "Perhaps she won't answer the ring," parried Janet.

"If you would wear me, prince," said Matilda, "you must win me:" and without giving him time to deliberate on the courtesy of fighting with the lady of his love, she raised her sword in the air, and lowered it on his head with an impetus that would have gone nigh to fathom even that extraordinary depth of brain which always by divine grace furnishes the interior of a head-royal, if he had not very dexterously parried the blow.

This may be done in a variety of ways, when you have assured yourself that he is invulnerable to a direct attack, not to be flurried by a fierce onslaught, or slow enough to let you score a "remise" that is, a second hit the first having been parried, but not returned.

It has already been seen that he was mistaken in this particular; but no matter, I profited by his error, for being conscious that the laugh was on my side, I took all his sallies in good part, and sometimes parried them with tolerable success; for, proud of the reputation of wit which Madam de Larnage had thought fit to discover in me, I no longer appeared the same man.

And there was an old gentleman who shall be nameless, being too rich a mynheer to be lightly mentioned, who, in the battle of White Plains, being an excellent master of defence, parried a musket-ball with a small sword, insomuch that he absolutely felt it whiz round the blade, and glance off at the hilt; in proof of which he was ready at any time to show the sword, with the hilt a little bent.

His white mustache, tinged a faint yellow by habitual smoking, twitched angrily. "Oh; you call it helping me, do you?" he asked acidly. "But why else am I here?" the doctor parried. "You're here because my loving nephew and his charming wife can't wait to see me buried in the family cemetery; they want to bury me alive in that private Bedlam of yours," Colonel Hampton replied. "See!"

"Please, mum," said she, in the old form of address, but with quite a new manner, that, in the little dependant of less than fifteen, startled the hard mistress, "I ain't noways bound to you, am I?" She propounded her question, stopping short in her return toward the china closet through the sitting room. "Bound? What do you mean?" parried Mrs.

It was as if she had said: "You cannot surprise me by any narrative of imbecility or turpitude or bathos. All the same, I am dying to hear the latest eccentricity of this village." "Well?" parried Audrey, holding one hand behind her. They did not shake hands. People who call at ten o'clock in the morning cannot expect to have their hands shaken. Miss Ingate certainly expected nothing of the sort.

He saw that it had to be treated as a national affair; and he parried the imputation which would have injured his country's name for courtly breeding, had they been ill-received, while he rescued his own good name from derision by joining the extravagance. He was well inspired. It was popularly felt to be the supreme of clever- nay, noble-fencing.

So Bayliss stood back. "Bad blood, is there?" asked Wadleigh, as the new arrivals hurried up. "Prescott, after insulting Bert, flew at him," retorted Bayliss, panting some with the effort at lying. Dodge was now standing well back. He had parried three of Dick's blows, but had not yet taken the offensive.