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She had found it on that day, about three weeks after his loss, when she had come into the parlor for the first time since her illness, and when, left alone for a few minutes by her grandmother, she had gone to her writing desk, and in the idleness of misery had begun carelessly, aimlessly, to turn over her papers.

Miss Alcott, then as ever, had the courage of her convictions, was a member of his Music Hall congregation, and a regular attendant at his Sunday evening receptions, finding him "very friendly to the large, bashful girl who adorns his parlor regularly." She "fought for him," she says, when some one said Mr. Parker "was not a Christian.

Then, with Duvall at her heels, she rushed to the elevator. As soon as they arrived at the door of the suite, it was apparent that something was wrong. The door stood open. The clerk, with one of the maids, occupied the little parlor. Through the open door of the bedroom Duvall caught a glimpse of Ruth, lying in bed, the figure of a heavily-set, bearded man bending over her. "Mrs.

T. resides in Bridgetown. In the parlor, we met two colored gentlemen the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, a local Wesleyan preacher, and Mr. Cummins, a merchant of Bridgetown, mentioned in a previous chapter. We were struck with the scientific appearance of Mr. Thorne's parlor.

The kitchen had been the one cozy, cheerful room of the house, and, driven from it, the farmer was an exile in his own home. In the parlor he could at least brood over the happy past, and that was about all the solace he had left. Bridget came and took possession of her domain with a sangfroid which appalled Holcroft from the first.

Dinneford gave a quick, anxious glance up and down the street, and then hurriedly ascended the steps and rang the bell. "Is Mrs. Hoyt in?" she asked of a stupid-looking girl who came to the door. "Yes, ma'am," was answered. "Tell her a lady wants to see her;" and she passed into the plainly-furnished parlor.

Just as she is, she'd help you mince about from parlor to parlor, and smirk and jabber and waste time. She's been educating for the job ever since she was born." He laid his hand in gracious, kindly fashion on his friend's shoulder. "Think it over. And if you want my help it's yours. I can show her what a fine fellow you are, what a good husband you'd make.

The souls that have won, how did they do it did they go alone, or did they stay in the parlor and serve tea? Such thoughts as these would make me grovel at your feet, if need be, in an agony of prayer. The means, I cry and you are the means! What is there for me, then, but to beseech you to have faith in me?

I sighed and said nothing. The name-fancies had gone by in long procession. America had buried them all, and stamped sternly on their graves. "What made you ask about Darley's 'Margaret, Laura?" "Oh, only I wanted to see it." "Don't you think," said I, suddenly reviving with a new idea, "that a portfolio of engravings is a handsome thing to have in one's parlor or library?

Nelly gave one scream, and flew downstairs into the parlor where the Sewing-circle was at work, frightening twenty-five excellent ladies by her cries, as she clung to her mother, wailing, "A bogie! a bogie! I saw him, all black; and he snarled at me, and my dolly is gone! What shall I do? oh, what shall I do?"