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Helen had been at her dressing-table her back was turned to him he did not see the livid pallor which blanched her cheeks at his question. A little pause, during which she busied herself among the trifles upon the table. "No, I never heard the name in my life," she said, at length. "That is odd because neither have I and yet the man has sent me a parcel."

But at this juncture a client entered, and the Commandant escaped. He went up the hill with a new centre of gravity: so different is a load in the pocket from a load on the heart. "A parcel for you, sir!" Sergeant Archelaus had spied the Commandant coming up the hill, and met him on the barrack doorstep with the news. "A parcel?" The Commandant had walked straight from the bank to Mr.

Doolittle produced the crash and cut off the six yards, the three pairs of shoes were picked out, and the stoniest of the stone colors chosen, the parcel tied up and paid for. "We didn't see you up to Squire Whipple's surprise party last night, Miss Edith," Mr. Doolittle timidly ventured, with a strong "Down East" accent. "We had a hunky supper and a rale good time." "No, you didn't see me, Mr.

'By the way, Hester, does thee know where the parcel of best bandanas is gone? There was four left, as I'm pretty sure, when I set off to Sandsend; and to-day Mark Alderson came in, and would fain have had one, and I could find none nowhere. 'I sold t' last to-day, to yon sailor, the specksioneer, who fought the press-gang same time as poor Darley were killed.

"I have some at fifty cents, some at sixty and some at seventy." "I guess I'll take the sixty." Frank had a pound parcel ready, which he delivered to her, and received his money. "Seems to me you are pretty young for a peddler," said the lady, regarding Frank with curiosity. "Yes, ma'am." "How old be you?" "Sixteen." "Been long in the business?" "No, ma'am; I've only just commenced."

You know they're excavating the foundations for a big hotel in Piccadilly? Well, on Monday a couple of burly navvies, carrying a big paper parcel, came up to the Wire office and Brashton saw them. "'Me an' my mate 'ere, says the spokesman, ''ave been employed on those works in Piccadilly, and we made an interesting discovery to-day.

It reminded me of one of those forgotten little stations in the Karroo. An old station-master was digging in his garden, and with his spade over his shoulder sauntered to the train, took charge of a parcel, and went back to his potatoes. A child of ten received my ticket, and I emerged on a white road that straggled over the brown moor.

In slang phrase, he always 'piles it on. Does a bookseller misdirect a parcel, he exclaims, 'My malison on all Blockheadisms and Torpid Infidelities of which this world is full. Still, all allowances made, it is a thousand pities; and one's thoughts turn away from this stormy old man and take refuge in the quiet haven of the Oratory at Birmingham, with his great Protagonist, who, throughout an equally long life spent in painful controversy, and wielding weapons as terrible as Carlyle's own, has rarely forgotten to be urbane, and whose every sentence is a 'thing of beauty. It must, then, be owned that too many of Carlyle's literary achievements 'lack a gracious somewhat. By force of his genius he 'smites the rock and spreads the water; but then, like Moses, 'he desecrates, belike, the deed in doing.

When she had settled her husband safely into the drawing-room, she bustled me out of doors into the stable, which stood in the yard at the back of the inn. She put me into a mass of loose hay, in one of the unused stalls. "There," she said. "They'll never look for you there. Don't get hay-fever and begin to sneeze, though. Here's your parcel for you.

"If my piguniary means had been such as ONCE they was, you may emadgine I'd have ad a speshle train and been hoff like smoak. "'My boy! my little boy! says poor choking Mary Hann, when we got there. 'A parcel in a blue cloak? says the man. 'No body claimed him here, and so we sent him back by the mail. An Irish nurse here gave him some supper, and he's at Paddington by this time.