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It is always wise to administer occasionally, both to puppies and adults, a dose of worm medicine, so as to give no chance to internal parasites the most troublesome ill with which the dog owner has to wrestle, causing even more mortality than the dreaded scourge of distemper.

That is, they actually repel them and do not suffer them to exist in or on their bodies, or they are tolerant toward them. In the latter case the parasites live at the expense of the host, but the host has become used to their being there, adapted to them, and the injury that they do, if any, is negligible.

Independent, frank, and proud almost to a fault, he detested the whole race of jobbers and time-servers, parasites and scandal-mongers, led-captains, led-authors, and led-orators. Some of his antipathies have stamped themselves indelibly upon literary history.

A deep mist of conceit, fed by the shallow breath of parasites, players, and pedants, wrapt that unhappy court in blind security, till 'the breaking was as the swelling out of a high wall, which cometh suddenly in an instant. 'But, after all, what Poetry and Art there was in that day, good or bad, all belonged to the Royalists. All?

In spite of efforts which were literally heroic, they could not always keep free from parasites; for the whole tenement and all persons and things in it were infected and how could it be otherwise where no one had time or money or any effective means whatsoever to combat nature's inflexible determination to breed wherever there is a breeding spot?

Certainly his plans and his popularity would have been undermined in the most artistic manner. But Philip III., more dangerous to rabbits than to generals, left the Genoese to settle the plans of his next campaign with Lerma and his parasites.

We may, however, as bearing upon this difficult question, cite some remarkable discoveries of Professor Ganin, a Russian naturalist, on the early stages of certain ichneumon parasites, which show some worm features in their embryonic development.

The great trees were wreathed and festooned to the water's edge with parasites and vines; and now and then the shrill cry of some parrot rang out, the bird flashing into sight for an instant, and then disappearing amidst the glorious verdure. "Well, Tom," I said, "this is different from the old country."

They were cheated by Bigot and were offered presents by the British. As they very naturally desired to keep their own country for themselves in their own way they always wished to side with the stronger of the two white rivals, if they could not get rid of both. Such was the Canada of 1756, a country in quite as much danger from French parasites as from British patriots.

Then when old, and sometimes of medium age, it is very liable to be attacked by parasites; and it produces annually a heavy crop of fruit which costs money and trouble to remove when immature, and which, if left to ripen, exhausts the soil.