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He had, with an excess of scrupulousness, abandoned the display of all the fire that burned within him; but beauty never ceased to rouse him to irresistible enthusiasm. Whilst reading the Psalms to M. de Seignelay, when lying ill, he could not refrain from paraphrasing them aloud. He admired Sophocles so much that he never dared touch the subjects of his tragedies.

Thus, after the recital of the combat undertaken in behalf of Adrienne by her defender a recital which she concluded in paraphrasing these two lines: 'Paraissez, Navarrois, Maures et Castilians, Et tout ce que l'Espagne a produit de vaillants,

Spinkie looked as if half inclined to withdraw his allegiance from Moses and bestow it on Winnie, but evidently changed his mind after a moment's reflection. "O that I were a monkey!" thought Nigel, paraphrasing Shakespeare, "that I might " but it is not fair to our hero to reveal him in his weaker moments!

A year of individual life is the symbol of a geological period of progression. This is a marvelous record, of which we may say paraphrasing with Huxley the well-known saying of Voltaire "if it had not already existed, evolution must have been invented to explain."

This Eastern climate is so harsh for me, and I long for my own California. If you will not give up, I will keep trying as long as my guides advise it." "You have done your part," I said, with intent to console her. "Please don't give up," she pleaded. "I am not giving up on the contrary, I am only beginning to fight," I assured her, paraphrasing General Grant, or some other obstinate person.

I, who have penetrated into the forbidden, must perish." "And I, Camille?" He turned to me with a melancholy sweet smile, and answered, paraphrasing the dying words of certain noble lips, "Be good, Monsieur; be good." My friend, Monsieur , absolutely declines to append his name to these pages, of which he is the virtual author.

But I shall here leave off this short way of paraphrasing upon the text, and shall come more distinctly to inquire into the nature of the words; but my subject-matter shall be the last part of the verse, 'The desire of the righteous shall be granted. From which words there are these things to be inquired into. FIRST. What, or who is the righteous man?

In his most vigorous moments, when he is bubbling over with epigrams and paradoxes, ridiculing the dull people who do not agree with him, and laughing to scorn those who think they can maintain the Christian spirit outside the mysterious traditions of the Catholic Church, or when he is describing a recent church as a Blancmange Cathedral, and paraphrasing an account, given I think by Mr.

If such persons are to read and talk and criticize to any purpose, they must know the world outside the university at least as well as the shopkeeper in the High Street does. And this is just what they do not know at present. You may say of them, paraphrasing Mr. Kipling, "What do they know of Plato that only Plato know?"

He strode to the door with the intention of hunting up and chastising the rogue, but, with his hand on the knob, checked himself. For a moment he debated with himself, and then, as his broad face lit up with his natural good humor, he came back to his chair, paraphrasing Uncle Toby: "The world's big enough for the likes of him and me, though he does crowd a bit.