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Some worn-out politician, in that leisurely and amiable transition-state which comes between official extinction and the paralysis which will finish him as soon as his brain gets a little softer, made an admirable Chairman for Mr. Peckham, when he had the luck to pick up such an article. Old reputations, like old fashions, are more prized in the grassy than in the stony districts.

On other sects they looked askance; and regarded the Presbyterians in particular with a dislike which in moments of crisis rose to detestation. They held it sin to fight, and above all to fight against Indians. Here was one cause of military paralysis. It was reinforced by another.

It does not take into account human nature, it is therefore outside of reality, in that it will not recognize that the most powerful spring of human activities lies in individual self-interest and that therefore the elimination from the economic field of this interest results in complete paralysis.

An attack of paralysis having condemned him to his armchair, he consecrated the remainder of his days to settling all his enterprises, and when he died, about two years before the arrival of Valentine in Paris, that young lady found herself in the possession of more than one hundred and twenty million francs, nearly all invested in English, American, and French State bonds.

Nor had it dealt more kindly with the gentry within its walls, sending some to the scaffold, pillorying others in infamous office, reducing a few to poverty, and halting its later guests with gout and paralysis.

As the years went on Muley Abul Hassan became sadly stricken with age. He grew nearly blind and was bed-ridden with paralysis. His brother Abdallah, known as El Zagal, or "The Valiant," commander-in-chief of the Moorish armies, assumed his duties as a sovereign, and zealously took up the quarrel with his son.

And then a terrible thing was seen; this man, already half dead, raised himself, shaking off the stifling bonds of paralysis, loosening for a second his tied tongue, and stammering, growling in a hoarse voice: "No, no, NO!" Pierre had to lead the stupefied old woman away and put her in the right direction again.

Old Aunt Boudinot has had a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Whitney has gone on a little journey with a friend; and Delia is alone. Mother, I have resolved to be married and help her bear her burthen. There is no immediate danger of Miss Boudinot dying, I believe; but since The. is away they need some one " "Ben!" Then she looked in her boy's face. Benny Frank and Jim were still boys to her.

I should certainly be asleep now but for this extraordinary bell. After going some steps, he turned to shout 'Gong, and touched his ear. He walked loosely, utterly unlike the walk habitual to him even recently in Paris. 'Has he been ill? Janet asked. 'He won't see the doctor; the symptoms threaten apoplexy or paralysis, I 'm told. Let us finish.

Miss Thornton wrote to the Bishop, with whom she had some acquaintance, and told him how her brother had been struck down with paralysis, and that the parish was unprovided for; that if he would send any gentleman he approved of, she would gladly receive him at Drumston. Armed with this letter, Tom found himself, for the first time in his life, in an episcopal palace.