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Eikonoklastes, the Image-breaker, takes the Image, Eikon, paragraph by paragraph, turning it round, and asserting the negative. To the Royalist view of the points in dispute Milton opposes the Independent view. A refutation, which follows each step of an adverse book, is necessarily devoid of originality.

It was an evening paper of the previous Thursday, and the paragraph was a very short one, thus: "The man Wilks, who was arrested at Euston Station yesterday, in connection with the robbery of Lady Quinton's jewels, has been released, nothing being found to incriminate him." "How does that strike you?" asked Hewitt.

From the first line to the last, there is never a sentence or a passage which strikes a discordant note; we are never worried by a spasmodic phrase, nor bored by fine writing that fails to "come off." Nor is there ever a paragraph which we need to read over again, or a phrase that looks obscure, artificial, or enigmatic.

In two days came another letter from him, of which the subjoined paragraph is a portion: 'I had quite decided to let you know the worst, and to assure you that it was the worst, before you wrote to ask it. And again I give you my word that I will conceal nothing so that there will be no excuse whatever for your wearing yourself out with fears that I am worse than I say.

Eugene Field, was the reply. "Just then I awoke," ended Field. The success of Field's paragraph engaging Bok to Miss Pinkham stimulated the poet to greater effort.

As early as May, 1846, a letter from a brother contained the following paragraph: "With regard to property, I do not see my way clearly. I trust it is all indeed at the disposal of the Lord; and, if you would let me know of any need of it in His service, any sum under two hundred pounds shall be at your disposal at about a week's notice." The need at that time was great.

I think there is great danger that the closing paragraph, in relation to the confiscation of property and the liberating slaves of traitorous owners, will alarm our Southern Union friends and turn them against us; perhaps ruin our rather fair prospect for Kentucky.

She had long been on confidential terms with the Snake proprietor, and she spoke to him now with the candor of an old friend. "Dear me, what do you expect of me!" he almost whimpered. "I'm not to blame! The paragraph was inserted without my knowledge by my sub-editor he's away just now, and there! why?" he cried with sudden defiance, "why don't you ask Sir Francis Lennox about it?

Disappearance of the Secretary. He showed it to Adela, and they read together. She saw that the finger with which he followed the lines quivered like a leaf. It was announced in a brief paragraph that the Secretary of the Irish Dairy Company was missing: that he seemed to have gone off with considerable sums.

Wrote draft paragraphs to the effect above stated to Lord W. Bentinck, and added a paragraph giving the Duke's reasoning against the removal of the Government from Calcutta to the north-west provinces. I had some conversation in the House with Lord Lauderdale on China trade, &c. He seems friendly to the Company and to the Government. Went to the House at 4. Found a good many peers there.