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He built himself a "seat," and enclosed "thwaites" of greater or less extent; and, forgetting the world in his green paradise, was for centuries almost forgotten by the world. And if long descent and an ancient family have any special claim to be held honorable, it is among the Cumberland "statesmen," or freeholders, it must be looked for in England.

The weary wanderers passed that night in a very paradise, bathing in cool streams and slaking their thirst nearly, but never quite, to the full. There was always a peculiar desire to drink again, and, even then, to wish for more! Heavenly music, too, sounded in their ears, and the sweet shade of green trees sheltered them.

Philip and Thelma, man and woman in the full flush of youth, health, beauty, and happiness, had just entered their Paradise, their fairy-garden, and every little flower and leaf on the way had special, sweet interest for them.

Can you not see that it is I who fear you as well as love you, who tremble at your coldness, who watch for your slightest kind look? Ah, Corona, you have made me so happy! there is no angel in all heaven but would give up his Paradise to change for mine!" He had taken her hand and pressed it wildly to his lips. Her eyelids drooped, and her head fell back for one moment.

The Theosophists have always been ardent workers in the cause of international peace, and while awaiting the dawn of a New Age when war shall be unknown, they strive to forestall its advent in their Californian paradise.

He has amplified, but has hardly introduced any circumstance which is not in the original. Paradise Regained is little more than a paraphrase of the Temptation as found in the synoptical gospels.

This general liking for children and instinct of smiling on them is one source of the delightful illusions which make the remembrance of early days so like a dream of Paradise, and give us, at starting, such false notions of our value. There was a little fair-haired child playing on the ground before the steps as I whirled by.

"A wunner," he continued, addressing Skelton, "if they bastes are affected by the climate?" "You've got me there, Stewart," replied Skelton, with a laugh; "but they don't seem to need quinine to aid their digestion, anyhow." Birds of the most beautiful plumage fluttered among the branches, and I had the good fortune to bring down a gorgeous bird of paradise with my rifle.

So we were nearing Honolulu, the capital city of the Sandwich Islands those islands which to me were Paradise; a Paradise which I had been longing all those years to see again. Not any other thing in the world could have stirred me as the sight of that great rock did. In the night we anchored a mile from shore.

The slightest delay in the position in which they were, and at a season when night falls so suddenly, deprived them of all hope of going on shore that night. And who could tell how long it would take them to go to the rescue of that boat? "Well, never mind!" said Daniel. "We have to do it." "I wish they were in paradise!" swore the captain.