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A feeling which we call satisfaction results when the changes in the viscera and tissues are readjusted or on the way to readjustment. Here is the simplest paradigm for desire seeking satisfaction, but it is on a plane rarely found in man, because his life is too complicated for such formulae to work.

It was the last time Having conjugated his paradigm conscientiously Indignant that heretics had been suffered to hang Insane cruelty, both in the cause of the Wrong and the Right Sick and wounded wretches were burned over slow fires Slender stock of platitudes The time for reasoning had passed Who loved their possessions better than their creed By JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY 1855

C. It does not go according to the paradigm. T. Yes, but how do you account for this? C. is silent. T. Are its tenses formed from several roots? C. is silent. T. is silent; then he changes the subject. T. Well, now you say Anabasis means an ascent. Who ascended? C. The Greeks, Xenophon. T. Very well: Xenophon and the Greeks; the Greeks ascended. To what did they ascend?

But these Pythagoreans had numbers tattooed to them as mute and wordless as they were. Though numbers they nonetheless conveyed: Andrei Linde began a paradigm shift in cosmology that allowed for theories other than the Big Bang or Steady State theories when he proposed that the universe or universes were self-replicating and inflationary.

The degrees form a constituent part of the symbolic custom itself and like it are to be intangible. The symbols of all the lofty spiritual religious communities, for which the royal art presents itself as a paradigm or exemplar, put before us, as it were, types of truth.

The abolition of scarcity was a pillar of the paradigm shift to the "new economy". The marginal costs of producing and distributing intangible goods, such as intellectual property, are negligible. Returns increase rather than decrease with each additional copy. An original software retains its quality even if copied numerous times.

After this, let us direct our attention to another and a better motion of our rational soul, when, during the tranquillity of the inferior parts, by a self-convertive energy, it sees its own essence, the powers which it contains, the harmonic reasons from which it consists, and the many lives of which it is the middle boundary, and thus finds itself to be a rational world, the image of the prior natures, from which it proceeds, but the paradigm of such as are posterior to itself.

The proof does not rest on the general assumption, but on a similar assumption confined to the particular case: that case, however, being chosen as a specimen or paradigm of the whole class of cases included in the theorem, there can be no ground for making the assumption in that case which does not exist in every other; and if you deny the assumption as a general truth, you deny the right to make it in the particular instance.

Her husband grew more and more like his father, punctilious, rigid; a strict observant in religious matters, a pedant in little things, prejudiced against all change; too satisfied to desire improvement, too scrupulously conscientious to permit any retrogression from established rule, a model of the immutability of an ancient aristocracy, a living paradigm of what always had been and a stubborn barrier against all that might be.

The following admirable explanation of this word is given by Jamblichus Prudence having a precedaneous subsistence, receives its generation from a pure and perfect intellect. Hence it looks to intellect itself, is perfected by it, and has this as the measure and most beautiful paradigm of all its energies.