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There they were: Elsie crying tumultuously, with her head on papa's coat-sleeve; John laughing, or trying to laugh, with big tears running down her cheeks the while; and brave little Clover waving her handkerchief encouragingly, but with a very sober look on her face. Katy's heart went out to the little group with a sudden passion of regret and yearning. Why had she said she would go?

And then they shook hands with Jack, and Towzer went back to have more last words with Flora, and a parting embrace: and after they were gone Flora was so drowsy, that she could not tell about her ride in the soap man's little blue cart, her head drooped upon papa's shoulder, and her eyelids were very heavy.

"He has a shop," said Edith, "and knives, and forks, and scissors, and iron things in it." "Oh, I know; he is what we call a hardware merchant." "Yes," said Edith, "that's it." "Well, where's the shop?" "In the city," said Edith, "in street. My papa's name is Grosvenor, Esquire." "Well, we'll find him, Jim and I. Here's the horse and wagon, my little musician, so jump in."

Here Lota sat all the morning, after she had finished her lessons with Nursey, short lessons always, and easy ones, by Papa's particular request, for the doctors had said that Lota must not study much till she was really big and strong. Pocahontas Maria and the other children had to work much harder than their Mamma, I assure you. Lota was very strict with them.

Well, then, as I learn that the old gentleman is the most kind, hospitable fellow in the world, he'll admit me at once; his daughter will tend my sick couch nurse read to me; glorious fun, Harry. I'll make fierce love to her; and now, the only point to be decided is whether, having partaken of the colonel's hospitality so freely, I ought to carry her off, or marry her with papa's consent.

"I think you really cannot be too grateful for your papa's kind thoughtfulness and anxiety about you. I am sure I myself am not so anxious as he is; but of course his medical knowledge makes him doubly careful. Six weeks ago he noticed that you wanted strength tone is what he calls it. 'Georgina, he said to me, 'Charlotte wants tone.

"I fancy old Han guessed that I was was well, fond of you and all that sort of thing." "Dear Dicky!" "Boys are terrible softies at this age," my young master admitted. "And, after all, it was rather a knockdown, you know, when papa's letter came with the news." "But we're friends, eh? you and I just as before?" "Oh, of course only you might have told. . . . And I've brought you a parrot.

Off early in the morning to work, standing all day till I'm lame in body and mad in spirit stupid owls to make us stand till we are so out of sorts that we are ready to bite customers' heads off instead of waiting on 'em pleasantly. When I come home, mamma often looks tired and sad, for this life is wearing on her, and she is worrying in secret over papa's health.

She sat alone weeping in her own room, and swore, when her mother came to her, that no consideration, no tidings as to George's past misconduct, should induce her to break her faith to the man to whom her word had been given; "my word, and Papa's, and yours," said Emily, pleading her cause with majesty through her tears.

"This very day I discovered all the old hothouse frames stored away in the carriage-house, as good as new; and Mam Daphne told me so many tales about the violets and the lettuce that used to be the boast of Marchmont every winter, that I went over to consult papa's old gardener. Sister has actually consented to let me try my hand at raising both.