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His teaching had no dogma to mark it off from truth and action in general. He himself called it a revelation a life. These early Roman Christians received the Gospel message, a command to love all men, with a certain joyous simplicity. The image of the Good Shepherd is blithe and gay beyond the gentlest shepherd of Greek mythology; the hart no longer pants, but rushes to the water brooks.

The captain and mate were in thin undershirts and unstarched duck pants, while the supercargo still held in his hands the undershirt he was reluctant to put on. The sweat stood out on his forehead, and he seemed to thrust his bare chest thirstily into the wind that did not cool. "Pretty muggy, for a breeze like this," he complained. "And what's it doing around in the west?

Last year, when he came, they heard him "up and down the road a-hollerin' and a-raisin' Cain." And at last he had to come to the Hansons in despair, and bid Rufe, "Jump into your pants and shoes, and show me where this old mine is, anyway!" Seeing that Ronalds had laid out so much money in the spot, and that a beaten road led right up to the bottom of the dump, I thought this a remarkable example.

It is a breeding, fighting thing; it pants through the jungle track as the tiger and lifts itself towards heaven as the tree; it is the rabbit bolting for its life and the dove calling to her mate; it crawls, it flies, it dives, it lusts and devours, it pursues and eats itself in order to live still more eagerly and hastily; it is every living thing, of it are our passions and desires and fears.

Here, you observe, is a pair o' pants that won't let in water. At the feet you'll notice two flaps which expand when driven backward, and collapse when moved forward. These are propellers human web-feet to enable me to walk ahead, d'ye see? and here are two small paddles with a joint which I can fix together so and thus make one double-bladed paddle of 'em, about four feet long.

I rather thought I had evened the account between us; at least I had reduced the balance a trifle. This time it was not I who appeared ridiculous. Dorinda saw me when I entered the kitchen. Her hands were upraised. "My soul and body!" she exclaimed. "LOOK at them pants! LOOK at 'em! And I ain't had time to put a needle to your other ones yet!"

He kept them down in the basement because he knew that if he left them in his closet she'd give them away to a hobo on account of her always feeling so sorry for tramps and believing everything they tell her. Ted says he always liked these particular pants on account of them making him look slim and being made of the same kind of cloth as his first long pair of pants that he got as a boy.

They screamed in a chorus of delight when the funny old clown, who had been forcibly deprived of three tin flutes in rapid succession, now produced yet a fourth from the seemingly inexhaustible depths of his baggy white pants a flute with a string and a bent pin attached to it and, secretly affixing the pin in the tail of the cross ringmaster's coat, was thereafter enabled to toot sharp shrill blasts at frequent intervals, much to the chagrin of the ringmaster, who seemed utterly unable to discover the whereabouts of the instrument dangling behind him.

"Why," said Ferguson, "there was a scalper's railroad ticket as far as Kansas City and two pairs of Mr. Vaucross's old pants." When the inauguration was accomplished the proceedings were made smooth by the presence of the Rough Riders it is well known that a herd of those competent and loyal ex-warriors paid a visit to the big city.

There was the sun, letting down great glowing masses of heat; there was life, active and snarling, moving about them like a fly swarm the dark pants of smoke from the engine, a crisp "all aboard!" and a bell ringing.