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Of a sudden, however, the Captain burst into a roar of laughter. "It was worth it," he panted as he rolled in his saddle, "to see the poor blighters scatter. Lord! but it was lovely to hear that Major curse." For an hour and a half we had been crumped and whizz-banged and trench-mortared as never before, but it was not until the shelling slackened that one could really see the damage done.

"A strange threat, Alec," panted Prince Michael, whose prominent eyes were bulging in semi-intoxication, though indeed he seemed suddenly to have realized the tremendous import of the King's statement, "a strange threat to be uttered before your mother!" "My mother loved Joan," came the impassioned cry. "She took her to her heart from the first hour, and she will bear with me now in my agony.

Margaret panted with fear and emotion at this terrible piece of good sense, and the plain question which followed it. But at last she faltered out, "If, which our Lady be merciful to me, and forbid Oh!" "Well, mistress?" "If he should read my letter, and hear thy words and, sweet Luke, be just and tell him what a lovely babe he hath, fatherless, fatherless. Oh, Luke, can he be so cruel?"

I cried excitedly. "Don't," he whispered, "or you may frighten 'em again." "But do you mean to say you've seen some of the beautiful trogons?" "No," he panted, "not them; I've seen two or three of them other birds with the green and yellow and blue cocked-up tails, same as I saw before and you couldn't find." "Where are they?"

And it doubles the gladness, it makes the pride glow, it sharpens the sense of existence till I hardly know if it is pain or pleasure, to think that I owe it to one nay, you must, you shall hear' said he, stepping forwards with stern determination 'to one whom I love, as I do not believe man ever loved woman before. He held her hand tight in his. He panted as he listened for what should come.

Every heart fluttered between illusion and reality, and every breast panted with undefined terror, quailing before the awful power that watches secret crimes and winds unseen the skein of destiny. At that moment a cry burst forth from one of the uppermost benches "Look! Look! Comrade, yonder are the cranes of Ibycus!"

The Very Young Man got upon his hands and knees. "I'm going over there," he panted. "It's better." Led by the Very Young Man, the three crawled a few yards to where a cluster of bowlders promised better shelter. Huddled behind this mass of rock, they found themselves protected in a measure from the violence of the storm.

And now everything was solved! the inexplicable longings of his soul, which had so often perplexed him, were at length explained. The want, the indefinable want, which he had so constantly experienced, was at last supplied; the grand object on which to bring the powers of his mind to bear and work was at last provided. He paced his chamber in an agitated spirit, and panted for the Senate.

I suppose it was in ten feet water, about thirty yards from the great embankment, where we dived down most, but our attempts became more feeble, and I found myself at last swimming heavily close to Lomax, whose fierce-looking head suddenly rose close to my hand. "Does nobody know anything about where the boy went down?" he roared; but there was no answer, and he panted out,

"Have you come home already?" exclaimed Lasse, pleased. "Now now Madam Olsen's husband's come home!" panted Pelle, and went past his father without looking at him. To Lasse it was as if the world had burst and the falling fragments were piercing into his flesh. Everything was failing him.