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He was half dazed by the words. He could feel Mrs. Winnie's gaze fixed upon him; and he could feel the hot flush that spread over her throat and cheeks. "It it was not fair for you not to know," she whispered. And her voice died away, and there was again a silence. Montague was dumb. "Why don't you say something?" she panted, at last; and he caught the note of anguish in her voice.

Jufvrouw van Gleck!" called Hans in a loud tone, stumbling after her as well as he could, for one of his skate strings was untied. Hilda turned and, with one hand raised to shield her eyes from the sun, seemed to him to be floating through the air, nearer and nearer. "We cannot take this money," panted Hans, "though we know your goodness in giving it." "Why not, indeed?" asked Hilda, flushing.

To break it down completely would have taken too much precious time. "It is don'!" he panted at length. "Now we go 'way soon. First I try him. If still you hav' the coat an' 'at, M'sieu' Tom, put him on; but 'urry." "I've already done so," assured Tom with fervor. "It's lucky for me that lunatic didn't see fit to hide my clothes." Jean pricked up his ears at the word "lunatic," but said nothing.

Here was the strength his sinking soul had longed for. "Cruel bad goin' fast m' lord," he panted. Mount Dunstan made a sign to the nurse, who gave him a chair. He sat down close to the bed, and took the bloodless hand in his own. "No," he said, "you are not going. You'll stay here. I will see to that." The poor fellow smiled wanly.

It was very funny when one could sit at ease upon the hilltop and smoke a cigarette while others risked apoplexy and their souls' salvation below. By the time they panted up the last rock-strewn slope of the bluff, and sent the vanguard of the invaders under the fence, Andy's mood was complacent in the extreme, and his smile offensively wide.

Sissy, you mustn't bother yourself about this work now." He would have drawn it gently away. The fingers closed on it suddenly, and the weak voice panted: "No, Percival. It's mine. That was before we were engaged: you spoilt my other." "O God!" he said. In a moment all came back to him.

Soon they ran; and they ran and walked fast until daylight, traveling with their backs to the North Star. Then the sun guided them, until about noon, when they had to stop and rest. "How far, you think?" panted the fourth boy. "Twenty-five miles, I guess. We'd better cover our trail and hide. Come on. Follow me," bade crafty Fat Bear.

"Aunt Ann, it is little Cyn! The tree by the smoke-house was struck, but we-all are safe." "I must be alone!" Then gropingly and tremblingly Ann Walden got upon her feet. "The letter," she panted, "the letter." "Here it is I found it on the floor where you fell." At the time Cynthia was too distressed to attach any importance to the matter, but she recalled the incident later. "Yes, yes!"

This happened. "Co-ack!" Their joint exclamation of horror was heard all over the house. That infernal girl must have given the signal for some catastrophe. Ah, they were waiting for the catastrophe! The ghost had told them it would come! The house had a curse upon it! The two managers gasped and panted under the weight of the catastrophe.

"It's all up with Henderson!" he cried, as Catherine approached. "He's got the malery, an' he says he's dyin'." "That's no sign he's dying, because he says so," retorted Catherine. "He wants to see yeh," panted Waite, mopping his big ugly head. "I think he's got somethin' particular to say." "How long has he been down?" "Three days; an' yeh wouldn't know 'im."