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It was vitally necessary to both, for our labours had been heavy for several hours. We therefore ate sparingly of our provisions, and washed down our meal with a pannikin of water mingled with a little spirit. The morning dawned upon a boundless expanse of sea.

She crumbles the biscuit, as well as she can with her weak fingers, into the pannikin, and then pours upon them a few drops of the precious fluid. She looks at the water with longing eyes, but will not expend even one drop to cool her parched lips.

To all this he agreed; and then I gave him, as a token of friendship, a pannikin of coarse powder, two iron spoons, and two yards of coarse printed calico. He looked rather saucily at these articles, for he had just received a barrel containing 18 lbs. of powder, 24 yards of calico, and two bottles of brandy, from Senhor Pascoal the Pombeiro.

Into the pannikin he put a lump of maple sugar and stirred it about with a stick, and tasted it. It seemed to him even better than tea or coffee. It was absolutely delicious! Really one has no notion what he can do if he makes believe very hard.

Seeing that his guest was unbuckling his sword, he presumed that the task of continuing this conversation lay with himself. "M' yes!" he replied, rubbing his pannikin out clean with the corner of a towel, and proceeding to mix some brandy and water; "why?" "Why!" answered the little man scornfully, "WHY! damn it, sir, Stevenor's command has been cut off by the enemy in force massacred to a man.

She lay very still in her great joy. The boy in a fright sprang to her side, knocking over the stool with the pannikin of water. He knelt on the floor and hid his face in the bed-clothes. Her hand found his shaggy head. Her voice was very faint now, but he heard it. "Don't cry, little Abe," she said. "Don't you worry about the ring, dearie. It ain't needed no more."

'Oh, well; go to the store and get your rations, said he disgustedly. 'And, see if those steers of yours are on the run, get them off as quick as possible. Fence-breakers, no doubt. Come! hurry-up, or the store will be closed! The storekeeper measured me out a pannikin of dust into a newspaper, and directed me to the left-hand corner of the ram-paddock, as the best place for my horse.

"Just as you please, father," replied Tom, handing the bottle; "but recollect, none of your water bewitched. Only help me as you love me." Old Tom mixed a pannikin of grog for Tom, and another for himself. I hardly need say which was the stiffer of the two. "Well, father, I suppose you think the grog will run short. To be sure, one bottle aren't too much 'mong four of us."

And to think I have a boy so thoughtful as to fetch along a packet of smoking tobacco and a can of the real Boston baked beans. Thank you, Frank, that's a heaping pannikin you've given me, but I suspect I'm equal to the job." They made a happy trio as they ate and chatted and laughed.

"Then wud 'ee mind a-hofferin' me a taste out o' your pannikin? an' I'll make b'lieve to say 'Norronany' count. Amazin' 'ot t' night," he added, tilting back on his heels, and then dipping forward with a vague smile. Uncle Issy did as he was required, and the henpecked one played his part of the comedy with elaborate slyness. "I don't like that strange chap," he announced, irrelevantly.