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"I go to find the sultan to-morrow, sir?" asked Piang. "Him at Isabella, and I must give him Kali Pandapatan's message." "Well, Piang, I am with you. I'm going to face that old codger and tell him what I think of his fiendish tricks of killing us off by this beastly juramentado, when he claims to be at peace with America."

He is Kali Pandapatan's famous charm boy, friend of General Beech and Lieutenant Lewis," replied Mandi. "Strange that one so well known should disappear. Yes, I have heard much of this boy's loyalty and sagacity." The two Moros turned quickly, warned by a startled look on the governor's face. Far down the smooth shell road a figure was staggering, wavering toward them.

Long before you were born he knew, and his heart is glad to welcome you." "Is it true, O wise man, that I am the real charm boy, and that I shall lead Kali Pandapatan's tribe to victory?" "You have spoken, my son. It was over you, not the impostor, Sicto, that the mystic star hovered on the night of your birth."

Believe, be honest, be true, and the world holds naught but joy for you and Kala Pandapatan's people." A silence fell upon them all. The solemn words had sobered Piang, and he gazed into the eyes of the wise man. "Begone, boy. The sun rises, and you have many miles to go.

To-night I will light the signal fires and tell your tribe that you have come and gone, that Piang is charm boy of Kali Pandapatan's people forever." The velvety dusk of the jungle was pierced here and there by the brilliant, crimson buds of the fire-tree. For weeks all Moroland had waited for their coming, the heralds of the combat season.

Thoroughly exasperated, he tried to argue through Piang, but finding it hopeless, he told the boy to finish Kali Pandapatan's business with the sultan as quickly as possible. Discouraged, he started back through the jungle, wondering how many more fanatics had broken loose during his absence.