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I'm going out to build a dam and you're not ready to stop me yet." "Bill, I'm serious about this. I want you to cease operations." Bill Conway turned upon him almost angrily. "What for?" he demanded. "I own the Rancho Palomar. I forbid it. I have a good and sufficient reason." "But, son, I can finance the confounded dam. I have it financed already." "So have I if I cared to accept favors."

Long after the young folks had disappeared round the base of El Palomar, he continued to gaze. Eventually he was brought out of his reverie when a cur dog belonging to one of the teamsters on the grading gang thrust a cold muzzle into his hand. "Purp," murmured Mr.

If it had been the Palomar instead of the Palomares! I might be able to stand the sight of Japs on the Palomares end of the San Gregorio, but on the Palomar " At four o'clock, when the train whistled for Sespe, he hurried back to the observation-car to procure his baggage preparatory to alighting from the train.

An' now, señor, eet is all right for take the Rancho Palomar! Take eet, take eet! Ees nobody for care now nobody! Eef eet don' be for you daughter I don't let you have eet.

"That our little daughter, who has been used to queening it over every man of her acquaintance, is going to batter her heart out against the pride of Palomar." "You mean " "She loves him. She doesn't know it yet, but I do. Oh, John, I'm old and wise. I know! If Miguel Farrel were of a piece with the young men she has always met, I wouldn't worry.

Don Mike, of Palomar, leaned against the bole of a scrub-oak and closed his eyes in sudden pain. Presently, he roused himself and went his way with uncertain step, for, from time to time, tears blinded him.

We wound in and out of the canyons, over dry and running streams, always ascending, climbing the eastern shoulder of Mt. Palomar, not to the top, but to a pass by which the ranch is reached. Before 4 o'clock we were on Warner's Ranch. This property could well be described as the "Pamir" of Southern California.

An astronomer from the observatory that houses the world famous 200- inch telescope on top of Mt. Palomar told me: "I hate to admit it but the number of week end visitors has picked up here. People drive down to hear George and decide that since they're down here they might as well come up and see our establishment." But George Adamski didn't hold the front center of the stage for long.

And whatever you do, do not threaten him. If you threaten him, instantly he will be consumed with curiosity to see you make good." "I shall not threaten him. I shall merely talk business to him. That's a language he understands." "How much money do you expect to realize?" "About half a million dollars." "In return for what?" "A quit claim deed to the Rancho Palomar.

"I no unnerstan'. 'Scuse, please. You make one big mistake, yes, I zink so." "I do, indeed. I permit you to live, which I wouldn't do if I knew where to hide your body. Listen to me, Okada. You sent a countryman of yours from the La Questa valley over to the Rancho Palomar to kill Don Miguel Farrel.