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It is a very interesting place, and has on one side the old Governmental Palace, the Palazzo Vecchio, where many scenes of historic interest have been enacted; for example, conspirators have been hanged from its windows, or precipitated from them upon the pavement of the square below.

We will have many a rich laugh about it at the palazzo he! he! he! over our wine he! he! he!" "The Amontillado!" I said. "He! he! he! he! he! he! yes, the Amontillado. But is it not getting late? Will not they be awaiting us at the palazzo, the Lady Fortunato and the rest? Let us be gone." "Yes," I said, "let us be gone." "For the love of God, Montressor!" "Yes," I said, "for the love of God!"

The mimic court in the Palazzo Cornaro, under the supervision of her monitors of Venice, was already attracting distinguished strangers for the element of romance in her position made the salon of the future Queen of Cyprus the feature of Venetian social life; and long hours of eager study with masters of the many tongues spoken in the Cyprian court alternating with the teachings of her mother's noble friend, the Patriarch, as he sought to familiarize her with the early Christian story of her distant island, proved the quick grasp of her mind giving dangerous hints of strength which, if disregarded, might thwart the moulding purpose of the Signoria.

He gilded the edges as he sank and shot broad rays of crimson light up into the green sky. Here and there a star twinkled faint; the city lay over him like a cloudy, silent company of rocks; the tower of the Palazzo ran up into the pallor of the sky, a shaking spear. There was but one glimmer of light in the whole ghostly wall of tenements and that, Maso knew, was Marco Zoppa's.

No one will be there to hear. 'Yourself? My father never could, and I never was shown how to do it. Are you sure you understand the thing? It is very complicated, I believe. Madame Bernard was not surprised, for she knew the ways of the Palazzo Chiaromonte; but she smiled and assured the young girl that a telephone was not really such a dangerous instrument as she had been led to believe.

The note was there; he could feel it; and if he had desired to accompany Pierre, it was in order that he might drop it into the letter-box at the Palazzo Boccanera. And he continued to step out briskly, so that within another ten minutes that note would surely be in the box, for no power in the world could prevent it, since such was his express determination.

As he was entering his palazzo he descried, in the darkness, and at a little distance, a figure wrapped in a mantle, that reminded him of Lucilla; ere he could certify himself, it was gone. On entering his rooms, he looked eagerly over the papers and notes on his table: he seemed disappointed with the result, and sat himself down in moody and discontented thought.

He started to run to the Palazzo d'Oro to give the alarm but was held back held by an indescribable force which he was powerless to resist. He struggled with all his might, uselessly. "Morganna!" he cried in a desperate voice "Morganna!" Running down to the edge of the sea he gazed across it and up to the wonderful sky through which the moon rolled lazily like a silver ball.

At the moment of our arrival, however, Bianca happened to be hanging out clothes from a window, and shrilly disclaimed the staircase, attributing this merit to another Palazzo Cappello. We were less pleased with her appearance here, than with that portrait of her which we saw on another occasion in the palace of a lady of her name and blood.

We see the airy tower of the Palazzo Vecchio the new spire of Santa Croce and the long front of the Palazzo Pitti, with the dark foliage of the Boboli Gardens behind. Beyond, far to the south, are the summits of the mountains near Siena.