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He dismounted at a quiet inn, changed his travelling dress for the new one that he carried in his valise, and then, after inquiring for the palace, made his way there. He was struck by the number of soldiers in the streets, and with the neatness, and indeed almost stiffness, of their uniform and bearing.

If you give me leave to go home for a few days I'd be glad. 'Very well, said he, 'I will do that, and whenever you feel inclined to return, only mention your wish when you lie down at night. The next morning when she awoke she found herself in her own old chamber in her father's palace.

Even in the last days of December rosebuds had been trying to open on the standard bushes in the sheltered rose-garden of the Palace.

"Heaven be praised," exclaimed the vizier's son, "who has preserved me from death at this time!" On the return of the prince that evening the vizier's son was very reticent and depressed. The prince noticed this change in him, and asked what was the reason. "Is it because I am away so much at the palace?"

The gates of the temple were kept shut, and none were present but members of the chapter and some other persons required for the service of the Church. The Holy Father entered by the stair which forms direct communication between his palace and the holy place.

He remarks that Montezuma "was served in the following manner: Every day, as soon as it was light, six hundred nobles and men of rank were in attendance at the palace, who either sat or walked about in the halls and galleries, and passed their time in conversation, but without entering the apartment where his person was.

At the same time, two of the prince's attendants alighting, helped her up, and placed her behind another. They mounted their horses again, and followed the prince, who turned back to the iron gate, which was opened by one of his retinue. When he came into the outward court of the fairy's palace, without dismounting himself, he sent to tell her he wanted to speak with her.

Consequently, he judges with unbiased, instinctive rectitude, when he shows up in black and white the Model Republic's criminal anomaly, by making the African Slave a companion-piece to the Greek Slave, among "Jonathan's" contributions to the great Crystal Palace Exhibition.

But the old feeling of trespass was wholly absent. She had no fear of being cast forth from this place that she was about to enter. The path began to widen somewhat and to ascend. In a few moments they came upon a crumbling stonewall crossing it at right angles. Monck paused. "One way leads to the palace, the other to the temple," he said. "Which shall we take?" Stella faced him in the moonlight.

An apartment known as Maximilian's room is shown to the visitor, situated in the corner of the palace, having two windows at right angles and thus commanding a view in two directions, one window overlooking the plaza, the other the business streets leading to the market.