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Baby Akemit in her crib, modestly arrayed in blue pajamas, after simulating the extreme terror required by the situation, fell to chatting, while her mother and Miss Milbrey looked on from the doorway.

It was nearly seven in the morning when Phil's vigil was rewarded by the sight of a man in his pajamas, emerging from the rival car. The man stood on the rear platform and stretched himself. All at once he caught sight of Car Three. The fellow instantly became very wide awake. Opening the car door he called to someone within; then three or four men came out and stared at the Sparling car.

From the bodies of the dead Dyaks Bulan and his three companions, Number Three, Number Ten, and Number Twelve, took enough loin cloths, caps, war-coats, shields and weapons to fit them out completely, after discarding the ragged remnants of their cotton pajamas, and now, even more terrible in appearance than before, the rapidly vanishing company of soulless monsters continued their aimless wandering down the river's brim.

Dennison stopped in this morning and she told me that Washington is very damp in the spring and I think you had better get a new overcoat a heavy warm one. She also told me the name of a place where you can buy real woolen socks and pajamas.

Araminta was not accustomed to finding small boys in pale pink pajamas standing on chairs in her pantry, so no wonder she was surprised. But she was kind, was Araminta, and she helped Sunny Boy down, and did not scold. She got a basin of clean water and a clean cloth and wiped up the pudding and washed Sunny's hands for him.

"I thought Jimmie would be coming down in the morning to the creamery. He can get it then." "An' Mother brought her nightie in the bag an' my pajamas," contributed Sunny Boy, waiting while Mother and the bag were stowed away on the back seat. "Want to ride up with me and help drive?" said Grandpa, turning to him suddenly. Poor Sunny Boy was sorely tempted, but he decided quickly.

Comotan was close beyond, then came two hours straight up to a region of pine-trees with vistas of never-ending mountains everywhere dense-forested, the few adobe or bamboo huts tucked in among them being as identically alike as the inhabitants. These were almost obsequious peons, wearing a sort of white pajamas and moderate-sized straw hats, all strangely clean.

"We shall miss her in church work. It is a severe blow to Mr. Warrington." "That was a good draw, John. Three cushions this time. Good. You're playing strong to-night." "Did you think to bring over your pajamas?" John asked irrelevantly. Warrington smiled in spite of himself. "I forgot all about them," he admitted. "Thought you would, so I brought over two sets. We're about the same size.

It was the captain, tall, august, come full-dressed from his cabin. At his back the second mate, with his oilskin coat over his pajamas, thrust forward his red, cheerful face. Slade told the matter briefly. "And it's scared young Conroy all to bits, sir," he concluded. "Come for'ard," bade the captain. "Get a lamp, some vun!"

"Yes; I found a pair of pajamas lying on the floor near the bed, apparently hastily discarded, as they were turned wrong side out." "Did you examine the deceased's clothes? "Yes, sir. They were what any gentleman would wear in the evening. In his pockets I found a wallet containing twenty dollars in bills, three dollars in loose change, and his keys.