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The beacons of the female Glow-worms are evidently nuptial signals, invitations to the pairing; but observe that they are lighted on the lower surface of the abdomen and face the ground, whereas the summoned males, whose flights are sudden and uncertain, travel overhead, in the air, sometimes a great way up.

"This is mainly due," they unanimously laughed, "to the virtue of that piece of venison!" "Let's review them line by line as they come," Li Wan smilingly proposed, "but yet as if they formed one continuous poem. Here's Pao-yue last again!" "I haven't, the fact is, the knack of pairing sentences," Pao-yue rejoined with a smile. "You'd better therefore make some allowance for me!"

"Then I don't see where you can be going," declared Mrs. Shorter, and departed with her cavalier. "Why are you so anxious to get away?" asked Chiltern, abruptly. Honora coloured. "Oh did I seem so? Elsie has such a mania for pairing people off-sometimes it's quite embarrassing." "She was a little rash in assuming that you'd rather talk to me," he said, smiling. "You were not consulted, either."

At this moment, the only moment that counts in the adult insect's life, it is a good thing indeed to possess long arms, long hands, like Clythra longimana and C. longipes, as the scientific nomenclature calls them. Is the difficulty of pairing in a transversal position the explanation of the long grappling-irons thrown out to a distance?

Ent. de France, 1837, p. 77, on the flight of butterflies whilst pairing. See also Mr. As sexual selection primarily depends on variability, a few words must be added on this subject. In respect to colour there is no difficulty, for any number of highly variable Lepidoptera could be named. One good instance will suffice. Mr.

The arrival of the Doctor and the Comandante's secretary created another diversion, and the pairing off of the two couples indicated by Dona Isabel for a stroll in the garden, which was now beginning to recover from the still heat of mid-day. This left Don Ramon and Mrs. Brimmer alone in the corridor; Mrs.

I have mentioned this purely to point out a new resource of invention, that may throw a pleasing variety into the composition of dances; and save them from too constant a simmetry, or uniformity, either of dress or figure, in the pairing the dancers: by which I am as far from meaning that that simmetry should be always neglected, as that it should be always observed.

The partial or complete suspension of the song after pairing has taken place is the most interesting, as it is the most noticeable, feature. Not that it is by any means universal if it were so, some of the difficulties that beset the path of interpretation would be removed, but it is sufficiently widespread to demand explanation.

Is it, as some naturalists have conceived, a means of raising the emotional tone of the female, of creating a more effective pairing situation, and so of removing a barrier to the successful discharge of the sexual function; or, is the emphasis here too much upon the emotional, too little upon the strictly utilitarian, aspect?

Then the couples will be increased to four or five, and little children of three years old end by pairing of their own accord ten or a dozen couples of mixed tablets.