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Architecture, landscape, and decorative accessories of every kind, the usual padding of quattrocento pictures, have been discarded from the main compositions. The painter has relied solely upon his power of imagining and delineating the human form in every attitude, and under the most various conditions.

Instantly out of the shadows George Sea Otter came padding on velvet feet, rifle in hand and then Bryce understood. "All right, boss," said George simply as he joined Bryce and Ogilvy under the lee of the locomotive. "Now we get busy again." "Safe-o, men," Ogilvy called. "Back to the job."

How many thousand walks did we not go together, so that we still turn to see if he is following at his padding gait, attentive to the invisible trails. Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our own lives. Yet, if they find warmth therein, who would grudge them those years that they have so guarded?

Next morning Scattergood was about early, padding slowly up and down the crossed streets which made up the village. He was studying the ground for immediate strategic purposes, just as he had been studying the valley on his long trudge up from the railroad for purposes related to distant campaigns.

He survived four days, having unsuccessfully attempted to shorten his pain by beating his head against the woodwork, an attempt which was frustrated by padding the woodwork. This man had murdered and robbed two travellers on the high road, and, as things are in China, his punishment was not too severe.

The vague feeling of terror inspired by this tent was a part of its fascination, for it seemed pregnant with potential tragedies suggested by the juxtaposition of helpless babies and wild beasts, the babies crying or staring in blank amazement at padding tigers whose phosphorescent eyes never left these morsels beyond the bars.

Even as she shook hands with Mr. Evans, she jerked the window shade to its height, so that her smoothness and coloring shone out above her weeds. In the shadow of her and at her life job of bringing up the rear, with a large Maltese cat padding beside her, entered Miss Brand on rubber heels. She was the color of long twilight. Mr.

He examined the lining, felt the padding, tried its thickness with the point of a penknife, and in doing so he slit the lining. "Sorry," he said. "My old hands are not as steady as they used to be. Quite a thick padding, and quite a substantial coffin." He had brought out some of the padding with his knife, and this left part of the floor of the coffin near the foot visible.

"Ackvainted? I should say so, sir! A reg'lar bang-up blood, a downright 'eavy toddler oh, I know Sir Jervas, ackvainted is the werry i-denti-cal name for it! So, with your permission, sir, I'll be padding on my vay." "You will find him at his chambers in " "St. James's Street, nigh opposite to Vite's, Mr. Werricker, sir.

It would be nonsense to regret it, because the very existence of these old edifices is involved in their being renewed; but it certainly does deprive them of a great part of their charm, and puts one in mind of wigs, padding, and all such devices for giving decrepitude the aspect of youth.