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Like I told yuh before, she had a good-sized package all done up nice in her hand, an' it didn't take her long to tell me what was up. Then we walks out together an' stops by the kitchen door. "'Yuh better get yore supper at the hotel, she says, an' ride back afterwards. 'I meant to send in right after dinner to mail the package, but I got held up out on the range.

I am one of a throng surrounding a smooth-handed faker who is selling prize boxes of soap and giving away dollars. "Now, gentlemen," he says, "if you will hand me a dollar I will give you a sample package of soap to examine, afterwards if you don't want the soap, return it to me, and I'll return your dollar."

"It is a horrid thing," said Julia. "We don't want a paper slate when you have that nice blackboard. You were very silly to shut your eyes. I shall choose with my eyes open. I am going to take that package that looks as if it might be a doll." She took out the enticing-looking package and began to untie the string, and presently drew forth a pink-and-white-and-green china vase of a hideous shape.

He called for a package of French cigarettes cigarettes jaunes and proceeded to color his moustache a riper brown. "Now my adventure has knocked and come in," I thought. "If he is my adventure, I cannot help him nor can I keep him off. He is the primum mobile. It is up to him." Suddenly my ears were shocked with a sharp argument between two young fellows at the poker table.

Or, "I never had a chance to go into the country when I was a kid, but I remember one day when I had to deliver a package way out on the West Side, that I saw a flock of sheep in Douglas Park.

Put the heavy goods at the bottom and the light at the top." "Ay, ay, sir!" shouted the man. "Bear a hand, lads. Now, then." He unhooked the tackle and attached another great package, while the tall man turned again upon Mark. "Did you hear what I said about that dog?" "Yes, I heard," said Mark; "but he's coming part of the way." "That he is not, my lad, so off you go!"

Clung like a monkey to central bars. Clung like an angel to a harp. Calling pleasantly in a high boyish voice: "O Jack, give me a cigarette." A handsome face, dark, Latin smile, musical fingers strong. Strode fiercely to the window. Trillions of hands. Quadrillions of itching fingers. The angel-monkey received the package of cigarettes politely, disappearing with it into howling darkness.

They now dismounted, and turned their camels to graze, when the magician took out of his package three loaves and a sum of water, after which he lighted a fire; then having beat his talismanic drum, the camels again appeared, tne smallest of which he killed, embowelled, and carefully flayed off the skin, the inside of which he washed with water.

I had time for but very little work at the office that afternoon, and when I reached home, I handed the package of calico to my wife She unrolled it and exclaimed: "Why, this don't match the piece I gave you!" "Match it!" I cried. "Oh, no! it don't match it. You didn't want that matched. You were mistaken. What you wanted was Turkey-red third counter to the left.

"You mean you actually put your invention team to work on that nonsense?" "Well, what do you think? Don't be scared of it. Here, I'll show you." As he unwrapped the package, Fay said, "It hasn't been decided yet whether we'll manufacture it commercially. If we do, I'll put through a voucher for you for 'development consultation' or something like that. Sorry no royalty's possible.