United States or Northern Mariana Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Our hero had been anxiously awaiting for Mary's daily communication; the post time had passed, and it had not arrived. Pale and haggard from long confinement and distress of mind, he was pacing up and down, when the bolts were turned, and Emma, supported by her uncle, entered the cell.

He looked around, and in an adjacent street, which the moon faintly enlightened, he perceived a tall figure, wrapped in a cloak, pacing slowly backwards and forwards. "'Tis the hand of God which hath guided him hither yes I'll I'll BEG better to play the beggar in Venice than the villain in Naples; for the beggar's heart may beat nobly, though covered with rags."

She hugged the hot-water-jug still closer, and shivered expressively. "I shall be obliged to raid the kitchen there's nothing else for it!" "You daren't!" Margot laughed derisively, but her answer was checked by the sudden appearance of a man's figure pacing slowly past the window.

The sun slanted low through the trees and sank in rose-coloured haze, and the moon, now just at the half, began to shine out softly through the mangoes, and still the lovers walked, pacing slowly to and fro near the well.

Or was it that here, in this primal country, stripped of all conventions, he saw her and himself in a new light? He did not know. The late twilight was fading when Mildred came from her state-room. She found Boyd pacing the deck, a cigar between his teeth. "Where are those people?" she inquired. "They went ashore. Marsh doesn't care to press a charge against the Indian."

He began pacing the floor, recounting for my benefit the various courtesies he had received since he had lived at the North, not only from the proprietors of the office, but from every one of its frequenters.

This grotesque visage was shaded by a flowered veil. "What a horrid old creature!" thought Wilhelmine, as she listened with scarcely concealed distaste to the woman's voluble praises of her son's qualities.... According to her, he was a marvel of marvels. Monsieur de Naarboveck remained in the library pacing up and down, smoking an expensive cigar. Wilhelmine did not return.

A Frenchman, who was, I guessed, the French captain, was pacing the quarter-deck with Captain Collyer, and his countenance looked very sad and troubled; but that arose, I concluded, because he had lost his ship and was a prisoner Mr Bryan and some of the other gun officers spoke to me very kindly, and congratulated me on being about again.

"That's all very well," said he, pacing up and down the room, with his hands thrust into his pockets, and his great shaggy eyebrows knotted together. "You may put it down to that, but I think quite differently about it." "What do you put it down to, then?" "To you." "How's that?" I asked.

For the greater part of the afternoon she kept to her room, pacing the floor from wall to wall, trying to think clearly, to resolve upon something that would readjust the situation, that would give her back her peace of mind, her dignity, and her happiness of the early morning. For now the great joy that had come to her in his safe return was all but gone.