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"What do you mean by saying it's not only the promise?" "Why, that I don't love you I never did oh, what a wretched thing!" And she rose and paced about, clasping her hands. Stafford was very pale now, but very quiet. "You never loved me?" "No." "But you will. You must, when you know my love " "No." "Yes, but you will. Let me tell you what you are " "No, I never can." "Is it true? Why?"

For that night, at least, Holmes swept his soul clean of doubt and indecision; one of his natures was conquered, finally, he thought. Polston, if he had seen his face as he paced the street slowly home to the mill, would have remembered his mother's the day she died. How the stern old woman met death half-way! why should she fear? she was as strong as he.

It's no use troubling ourselves to guess," he continued, after a pause for a few minutes, during which they slowly and silently paced up and down the by-street, into which he had led her when their conversation began. "Come and see mother, and then I'll take thee home, Mary.

One of the windows was shrouded by a scanty curtain of faded red; and upon this curtain there went and came a dark shadow, the shadow of a woman with a fantastic head dress, the shadow of a restless creature, who paced perpetually backward and forward before the window.

Ladies rant, and protest that they abhor and abominate, or they weep, and shriek, and call the gentleman odious, or horrid, or some such gentle name; which the said gentleman perfectly understands to mean any thing he pleases; but Constantia's perfect truth, the plain earnestness of that brief sentence, carried conviction with it; and the handsome Burrell paced three or four times the length of the oak parlour, before he could sufficiently bring his mortified feelings under necessary subjection: he then resumed his seat.

He paced the hall of the building with rapid steps, cast many a longing glance at the door of his cousin's room, and then rested himself with an apparent intention to read the volume he held in his hands; nor did he in any degree recover his composure until Julia re-appeared on the landing of the stairs, moving slowly towards their bottom, when, taking one long look at her lovely face, which was glowing with youthful beauty, and if possible more charming from the traces of tears in her eyes, he coolly pursued his studies.

"I am unacquainted with language belonging to such feelings, my lord," replied the Abbess; "but methinks the prospects which could be so easily adjourned for years, might, by a little, and a very little, farther self-control, be altogether abandoned." Hugo de Lacy paced the room in agitation, nor did he answer until after a considerable pause.

The confession pierced him like a dagger thrust, and he passionately entreated her to tell him the name of the man who had defrauded him of the happiness to which he possessed an older and better right than any one else. He paced the room with long strides as he spoke, gazing around him as if he imagined that she had his rival concealed somewhere.

Benton shook his head. "No," he said, "I couldn't do it." Again Karyl paced back and forth, and again he stopped, facing the American. "Benton, it is hard for two men to talk in this fashion. Perhaps no two other men ever did. I find myself a jailer to the woman I love Oh, yes, I am also imprisoned by Royalty but that does not alter matters." The voice shook.

I have some advance copies. I'll send her one this afternoon." Dick's eyes twinkled. "I should if I were you, though to be sure, sir, we have tried that plan before without any prodigious effect." "True, Richard, true, but I have never before risen to such heights as these." Mr. Hazlewood threw down his napkin and paced the room. "Richard, I am not inclined to boast. I am a humble man."