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Then I up an' told 'er p'int-blank I wus goin' to give the socks to you with the compliments of the day, an' ef she objected she'd better put in 'er complaint in time, but she jest walked back an' set down in front o' the stand. John, she's that sorry fer all she's said and done 'at she can't talk about it. These heer socks is all the proof you need.

That's the long and short of it. Now, you take my advice and give him as good as he sends every time, and a little more to boot. It's a woman's right." "Mother, you don't know Mr. Westerfelt; he " "La! yes, I do; they are every one p'int-blank alike. They want what they can't get, and what other men have, a sight more than what is in easy reach.

"P'int-blank" is a superlative or an epithet: "We jist p'int-blank got it to do." "Well, p'int-blank, if they ever come back again, I'll move!" A double negative is so common that it may be crowded into a single word: "I did it the unthoughtless of anything I ever done in my life." Triple negatives are easy: "I ain't got nary none."

'Jedge, I says, 'that's what no jedge have ever did without soldiers since this war's been a-goin' on. An', brother, the jedge's words was yours, p'int-blank. 'All right, he says, 'then I'll have to do what no other jedge have ever did. An', brother," says I to the preacher, "the jedge done it shore. He jes laid under the couht-house fer two days whilst the boys fit over him.

He was a-gittin' the land so durned cheap that I reckon he jes hated to let hit go, an' he says, says he: "Well, hain't the groun' rich? Won't hit raise no tabaccy nur corn nur nothin'?" Ole Tom jes whispers: "To tell you the p'int-blank truth, stranger, that land's so durned pore that I hain't nuver been able to raise my voice."

"I'm offerin' ye a free choice," warned Thornton, "but onless ye're ready ter fight hyar an' now ye've p'int-blank got ter walk in thar an' set down in handwrite, with yore name signed at ther bottom, a full confession thet ye hired me shot thet night." "Like hell I will!"

Stranger, that long preacher talked jes as easy as I'm a-talkin' now, an' hit was p'int-blank as the feller from Hazlan said. You jes ought 'a' heerd him tellin' about the Lawd a-bein' as pore as any feller thar, an' a-makin' barns an' fences an' ox-yokes an' sech like; an' not a-bein' able to write his own name havin' to make his mark mebbe when he started out to save the world.

When at last they stood by the bedside, the volunteer doctor pressed his head to the hardly stirring chest and took the inert wrist between his fingers. Then he straightened up and shook a dubious head. "Thar hain't but jist only a flicker of pulse-beat left," he declared. "Mebby he mout live through hit but ef he does hit'll p'int-blank astonish me."