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It was something new to the crew of the "Coal-Coffin" to be thus checked in an enthusiastic cheer, and to be rebuked by the object of their admiration for not being able to swim. Deep and long was the discussion they had that evening around the windlass on this subject. Some held that it was absurd to blame men for not being able, "when p'raps they couldn't if they wor to try."

"I am afraid I am," said Valentine; "they're always saying so, and it's very unkind of them to talk about it, because I couldn't help it, could I?" Here the little Anastasia, touched with pity by the heartfelt pathos of his tone, put her dimpled hand in his and said tenderly, "Never mind, dear, it'll be better soon, p'raps, and you didn't do it on purpose."

I didn't 'ear wot she said, but I saw her shake her 'ead, and a'most direckly arterwards she was marching away between the two policemen with the crowd follering and advising 'er where to kick 'em. I was a bit worried at fust not about her and then I began to think that p'raps it was the best thing that could have 'appened.

She stood deliberating. "You'd better p'raps see your uncle. I'll tell him, Ranny. Your Father's not fit for it to-day." "All right." He rose uneasily and prepared himself to take it standing. He heard them come into the shop, his Uncle and his Aunt Randall. He heard his uncle's salutation checked in mid-career. He heard his mother's penetrating whisper, then mutterings, commiserations.

P'raps now they'll let her come away. She must be jolly well sick of Brussels by now. When I last heard of Adams he was still hoping to get into touch with her. I hope he won't take any risks. She's a clever woman and I dare say can take care of herself. I hope we shall all meet again when the War is over."

I guess, said she, you must be reasonable, wet, sit to the fire and dry yourself, or mayhap your health may be endamnified p'raps. So I sot down, and we soon got pretty considerably well acquainted, and quite sociable like, and her tongue when it fairly waked up, began to run like a mill race when the gate's up.

Richardson said most partic'lar we must all keep together or we should get lost; and we're all to wear red rosettes on our left shoulders, that we may know each other at a distance, if we should get separated by any accident." "Oh, did he indeed?" replied Christopher scornfully. "P'raps some'll do it. I think I know one as won't." Walter said no more.

The fact is that when I was in hospital at Colesberg, a friend of mine in the same ward used to chaff me and say I was going to have necrosis. I had got knocked over one day by the wind of a shell and thought I was done for, but it really was next to nothing. P'raps I had a dose of fever on top.

I was to ask you would you like to walk round our garden? And p'raps your mamma was going to tell me all your names, but grandmamma told me to run away. I'd like to know your sisters that are as little as me's names. I remember exactly what I said, for Sharley has often told me since how difficult it was for her not to burst out laughing at the funny way I spoke.

'I knew we wouldn't have enough, said Ruth, wearily. 'Now if you think I manage so badly, p'raps you can tell me which of these things we ought to leave out. 'We'd be all right if it wasn't for the debts, said Easton, doggedly. 'When you're not working, we must either get into debt or starve. Easton made no answer. 'What'll we do about the rates? asked Ruth.