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'Don't you trouble to 'urry yourself, Sir, shouted another Solomon in the crowd. 'We don't mind waiting. Take your own time, Sir. You know better than the likes of us 'ow long it ought to take.

'I was just wondering whether I 'adn't better tell ole Misery that I don't want no wages this week. 'I think I'll tell 'im on Saterday to keep MY money and get 'imself a few drinks with it, said Philpot. 'It might cheer 'im up a bit and make 'im a little more sociable and friendly like. 'Money IS the principal cause of poverty, said Owen. ''Ow do yer make it out? cried Sawkins.

Them silly fools stood there choking and sobbing and patting each other on the back as though they'd never leave off, and all of a sudden I 'ad a 'orrible suspicion that I 'ad been done. "Did you see the sovereigns in the box?" I ses, turning to the skipper. "No," he ses, shaking his 'ead. "'Ow do you know they was there, then?" ses I.

"I say," continued Barber, just a little disappointed to find that his exquisite humour was not as electrical in its effect as it would have been on any one less dense than the Crudens, "'ow is it you ain't got a clean collar on to-day, and no scent on your 'andkerchers eh?" This was getting feeble. Even Mr Barber felt it, for he continued, in a more lively tone,

"This isn't a particularly cheerful abode, is it, sergeant?" "No, sir, if I lived 'ere I'd have the blues in a week," laughed the man. "I can't think 'ow Mr. Bailey employs 'is time." "Poultry-farming," laughed Fetherston, as, standing on tiptoe, he examined the window-latch by flashing on the electric torch. "No good!" he declared. "There's a shutter covered with new sheet-iron behind."

"She said, or implied at least, that she could not leave the child. But she cannot mean that!" "And what for no? There's nae need for me to objeck!" "But I shall soon persuade her to withdraw that objection!" "Then I should hae objections mair nor ane to put to the fore!" "You surprise me! Is not a woman to leave father and mother and cleave to her husband?" "Ow ay sae be the woman is his wife!

'Oh, she's going to tell us all about it. 'Ow nice! But they let the thin little slip of a girl alone after that. It was a new-comer, a few moments later who called out from the fringe of the crowd 'I say, Mary, w'en yer get yer rights will y' be a perliceman? Even the tall, grave guardians of the peace ranged about the monument, even they smiled at the suggested image.

"Ow go way!" roared Joel, twisting worse than ever, and squeezing his brown hands together tightly; "he'll get away, maybe, and bite you." "Oh, he'll bite you, Joe," cried Polly, in great alarm. "O dear me, let me see what it is! I can help, Joel, I can help." She flung herself down on the ground close to his side. Just then out rushed Davie from the provision room.

"Every time I blooming well kissed 'em, arter I bin an' picked 'em up," he declared. "You did that?" she quavered, marvelling at the greatness of his nature. "Look in me jacket pocket if you think I'm spinnin' you fairy ones." His close arm slackened a little. "Now there's somethin' I got to up an' tell, if you never tips me the 'Ow Do no more." "Wot is it, deer?" Her heart beat painfully.

Chrissie took up a book and sat down, utterly ignoring the woebegone figure which stood the regulation three yards from her, twisting its cap in its hands. "I hope, miss," said the boatswain, after standing patiently for three-quarters of an hour, "as 'ow you won't think I sought arter this 'ere little job." "No," said Chrissie, without looking up.