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'Ow'm I to get the supper'm? You said as 'ow I could get it done this afternoon so as to go to church this evening. I can't do nuffink with the mincing machine gone." "I'll come and look." They searched every corner of the kitchen, then William's mother had an idea. William's mother had not been William's mother for eleven years without learning many things.

She's out a'nursing of a lady's child, getting a pound a week, just as you was; well, now I asks 'ow she can 'ope to bring up that 'ere child a weakly little thing that wants the doctor and all sorts of looking after. If that child was to live it would be the ruin of that girl's life. Don't yer 'ear what I'm saying?"

"I believe he's done it 'imself," says Mr. Sutton, stamping his foot. "I don't see 'ow he could, sir," ses the keeper, touching his cap and looking at Walter as was still lying with 'is face on 'is arms. They carried Walter 'ome that way on a hurdle, and Dr. Green spent all the rest o' that day picking shots out o' them three men and telling 'em to keep still.

Miss Stivergill repented of the speech instantly on seeing the tears start into Tottie's large eyes as she replied quickly "Indeed I would, m'm. Oh! you've no notion 'ow kind father is w'en 'e's not in liquor." "There, there. Of course he is. I didn't mean to say he wasn't, little Bones. It's a curious fact that many drun , I mean people given to drink, are kind and amiable. It's a disease.

"Why, ye see, jist before the whale gave in, it sent up a spout o' blood and oil as thick as the main-mast, and, as luck would have it, down it came slap on the head of Grim, drenchin' him from head to foot, and makin' him as red as a lobster." "'Ow did you lose the fish, sir?" enquired Mivins, as our hero sprang up the side, followed by Singleton.

He turns to Gentleman, he went on rapidly, 'and he says, "Bailey, I owe it all to you, because if you hadn't told me to insult her folks " He leaned on the traveller's table and fixed him with an eye that pleaded for sympathy. ''Ow about that? he said. 'Isn't that crisp? "Insult her folks!" Them was his very words. "Insult her folks." The traveller looked at him inquiringly.

Bunnett into their places to see 'ow the little dears was a-getting on. "Kindness to animals caused more unpleasantness in Claybury than anything 'ad ever done afore. There was hardly a man as 'ud speak civil to each other, and the wimmen was a'most as bad. Cats and dogs and such-like began to act as if the place belonged to 'em, and seven people stopped Mr.

"Boatmen coming through the Traitor's Gate yonder, used to tie their boats to that ring," the "beefeater" told them. "That shows you 'ow much farther h'up the water came in those days.

"Passon Walden," he began, in shaking accents "Passon Walden, sir, I'm fair beside myself 'ow to tell ye but you're a brave man wot knows the ways o' God an' 'ow mortal 'ard they seems to us all sometimes, poor an' rich alike, an' 'ow it do 'appen that the purttiest flowers is the quickest gone, an' the brightest wimin too, for that matter, an' an' " Here his rough halting voice broke into a hoarse sob "Oh, Passon, it's a blow! it's a mortal 'ard blow! she was a dear, sweet lady an' a good one, say what they will, an' 'ow they will an' she's gone, Passon! we won't never see her no more! she's gone!"

"Don't shoot," he pleaded, ready to drop to his knees. "I won't if you are good and kind and obliging," said Crosby sternly. "Turn around face the engine. That's right. Now listen to me. I've got this pistol jammed squarely against your back, and if you make a false move well, you won't have time to regret it. Answer my questions too. How long is that bridge?" "I I do don't kno ow."