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"Do you think they are overworked?" asked Mary then. The three callers shook their heads. They had all grown rather silent as the tour had progressed, but in their eyes was the light of those who have seen revelations. "As happy a factory as I have ever seen," said one. "In fact, it makes it difficult to say what we wanted to say."

He rolled it as a sweet morsel under his tongue, undisturbed by the reflection that such descriptive titles are at present overworked in dreams one has no need to be original. Neither did it strike him as incongruous that he should have seen her first in the grocery kept by Mr.

Many were deplorably emaciated, others looked vacant and stupified. Some were ill, and some were penniless; but poverty and sickness are among the best recommendations which an emigrant can bring with him, for they place him under the immediate notice of those estimable and overworked men, the Emigration Commissioners, whose humanity is above all praise.

I believe she's going to have another child. At any rate she says it may be four months before she can come to work here regularly. I asked her about it the other day, because if mother gets worse I may be hindered about coming to the office, and I didn't want you to get overworked, so I said to Beryl.... That reminds me, she referred to the coming child and added that its father was a policeman.

Suppose that in the colon is the tubercular ulcer, breeding the bacillus of consumption, and they are absorbed into the circulation. Ordinarily the white corpuscles would be able to destroy them, but now they are so overworked that the tubercular germ lands in the lung tissue alive and well, ready to commence his work of destruction and death.

This is very irritating, as it is really a constant questioning of the audience's ability to see what he is driving at. It would be much better to say, "Do I make myself understood?" and put the blame for possible failure where it usually belongs. If an audience fails to "get the point" it is because the speaker failed to put it clearly. A terribly overworked word is "proposition."

All were overworked, but it was the rule that men should not be detailed for fatigue duty who had been on picket the preceding night. On August 28th, a detail had been called for from the Second Kentucky, which lay above the hedge behind my headquarters, and they had reported without arms under a sergeant named Joyce.

But for the present everyone hesitates about throwing back the cloak." "Until the cloak becomes unbearable," she said, repeating his word. "I came upon this holiday in the queerest state. I thought I was ill. I thought I was overworked. But the real trouble was a loneliness that robbed me of all driving force.

Miss Monro had been tossed about and overworked quite enough in her life not to value the privilege and indulgence of her evenings to herself, her comfortable schoolroom, her quiet cozy teas, her book, or her letter-writing afterwards.

And so, as I look about me and watch the machines and the men who are working with the machines, or owning them, it is on this principle that I find myself taking sides. I will not live, if I can help it, in a world that is conceived and arranged and managed by tired and overworked and mechanical men.