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In Nägeli's theory initial tendency is overwhelmingly dominant; in Weismann's, natural selection is almighty. Weismann's followers have received the name of Neo-Darwinians. The so-called Neo-Lamarckian school believes in the transmissibility of acquired characteristics, and of at least particular effects of use and disuse. The one theory is neither more nor less Darwinian than the other.

With the sense of it on the spot, she had felt, overwhelmingly, that she was significant, that so she must instantly strike him, and that this had a kind of violence beyond what she had intended. It was in fact even at the moment not absent from her view that he might easily have made an abject fool of her at least for the time.

When we consider the population of Dalmatia we must apply the rival tests of history and of race. But on ethnical grounds Dalmatia is now overwhelmingly Slavonic. In 1900 only 3.1 per cent of its population in other words, about 15,000 out of a total of 584,000 were Italians, the remaining 97 per cent being Serbo-Croats.

No word escaped me and slowly, then, at length, overwhelmingly, there was borne in upon me the crushing sense of the difference between these young men and myself, their interests, expectations, future careers and mine. Yet I saw no way out of my present situation. The bitter seeds of unrest, and ambitions without opportunities, were at the same time planted in a fruitful soil.

He was saving her the trouble of treating him badly and keeping him at a distance; but, strange to say, there are some disagreeable duties of which one does not wish to be relieved. If it were possible to be overwhelmingly dignified when one is buried shoulder deep in bear and buffalo skins but that was out of the question. The clear crystalline day began to be softly shadowed by twilight.

Of course there is a great deal which he took, and which we are not in position to restore at present. I will explain later what is to be done about that " "Oh, don't!" she begged. "I never want to see or hear of it again." Suddenly she turned upon him, aware that her self-control was going, but unable for her life to repress the sympathy for him which welled up overwhelmingly from her heart.

The flanks of the columns were covered by bodies of troops, thrown out on either side, and after more than an hour's hard work, and abandoning two of the guns which had broken down, Clive reached the main road, again formed his men in column, and advanced towards the city. The odds were overwhelmingly against him. There were guns, infantry, and cavalry, both in front and behind them.

Taken in connection with what we have shortly to note concerning the apparent seas of this sphere, the presumption is overwhelmingly to the effect that Mars has seasons not unlike our own. The existence of snow on any sphere may safely be taken as evidence that there is an atmosphere. In the case of Mars, this supposition is borne out by the appearance of its surface.

Bertie came in as one not wholly sure of his welcome, and took up a position in the background. And there during the remainder of Dot's visit he stayed, scarcely speaking, and so sternly preoccupied that Dot's embarrassment returned upon her overwhelmingly, and she very soon rose to go. He stepped forward then and followed her out.

Near a seat well away from the Hall she stopped. "We don't want any more exercise, do we?" she said softly. "I've had enough for the present," he answered. And they sat down. Silence again. He didn't know what to say to her. He only craved overwhelmingly to take her in his arms. Had she a glimmering idea sitting there, so close ... so alluring...? And suddenly, to his immense relief, she spoke.