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Since the German and his wife were kept pointedly apart from the family life, they had to put up with these allusions in silence. Karl, needing protection, constantly shadowed the Frenchman, improving every opportunity to overwhelm him with his eulogies. He never could thank him enough for all that he had done for him. He was his only champion.

It appeareth to me that ye will certainly have to suffer much privation and misery there. The sufferings of the Brahmanas might overpower even the gods. That they would overwhelm me is too certain. Therefore, O Brahmana, go ye back whithersoever ye list! "The Brahmanas replied, 'O king, our path is even that on which ye are for setting out!

Is it most probable that by opposing I should correct or increase the world's mistakes? The path before me is direct and plain; ought I to deviate? In vain I fear should I plead his extraordinary merit. Would the plea remove the load of affliction with which I should overwhelm those who love me best? At present they think well, nay highly of me.

As he stood there, with the miniature landscape at his feet in the wan starlight the panic-stricken tiny city, the island with its monsters rising to overwhelm this tiny world it seemed to Alan that if he let her go it was the end for him of all life's promised happiness. "Alan, lad, come." His father was pulling him along. So horrible a choice! Alan thought that I was back on that island.

And some of the soldiers who are good fighters will join them in the invasion, so that, if no opposition presents itself to them, they may overwhelm those who fall in their way, and if any hostile force encounters them, they may be saved easily by retiring to us.

By a curious operation of the human mind, this speech cost Cosmo nearly all the advantage that he had previously gained. His ominous suggestion of a great nebula rushing out of the heavens to overwhelm the earth had immensely impressed the imagination of his hearers, and his uncontradicted accusation that Professor Pludder was concealing the facts had almost convinced them that he was right.

The band and the comic song stopped, and there was a hush for a moment. Then Lord Robert said: "Wonder if this is the dreadful storm that is to overwhelm the nation, don't you know!" That fell on the house of frivolity like a second thunderbolt, and people began to look up with blanched faces.

This piece of news speedily found its way to the ears of the landlord, to whom Colonel Demarion was known by name only, and forthwith he reappeared to overwhelm the representative of his State with apologies for the uncourteous reception which had been given him, and to express his now very sincere regrets that the house offered no suitable accommodation for the gentleman.

The wild grief of the first few days swept back like a wave and threatened to overwhelm her, but she clung to the remembrance of Tom's words, and told herself passionately that she would not "whine"! She would not pose as a martyr!

In modern times, when battles are not decided by personal bravery, but by the number and disposition of cannon, and the excellence of firearms, an army of one hundred thousand can generally overwhelm an army of fifty thousand, with the same destructive weapons.