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He will charm them into greatness at the very time when a boy's ideals overtop the mountains.

Overtop; and little Helen and little Fayette would never know the great debt of gratitude that they owed to that excellent lady. Whenever she called on Mrs. Overtop, she always began to be extremely circumspect in her pronunciation and grammar, from force of habit; but soon relapsed into those old errors which, happily, were of the head, and not of the heart. Mrs.

When Miss Pillbody had referred to the little memorandum book, she gave one short look at Fayette Overtop. That gentleman, conscious that his face was scrutinized, looked at the wall. Miss Pillbody stole but one glance, and then shut the eyeglasses prettily, and stuck them into an invisible pocket of her waist. She had come to the conclusion that Mr.

Five small boys, who had run all the way from the station house, had brought the exciting intelligence. The vehicle was at once surrounded by clamorous people. "Say, Mister, wich is the murderer, hey?" asked a red-shirted fellow of Matthew Maltboy, whose corpulent figure squeezed the thin form of Fayette Overtop into a corner of the front seat.

"Ah, I see," interrupted Overtop, who liked to show that he snatched the meaning; "you will put your animals in recumbent attitudes sleeping, perhaps, in the depth of jungles, shaded from the fierce rays of the equatorial sun." "You have guessed it," said Tiffles, with a broad smile. "Most of them will be just there out of sight. The others will be suggested rather than introduced.

His motive for annoying Miss Minford I can understand for this city is full of just such well dressed scoundrels; but the motive of the murder I can't comprehend. But mark me this fellow has some knowledge of it; and we must hunt him up. And, first, let us compare the letters." Marcus handed the two letters to the lieutenant, who, with Overtop and Maltboy, gave them a close examination.

Sometimes pastures are full of little hummocks of trees that have not yet been able to overtop the grazers. The winter apple-tree in the free is a reassuring object. It has none of the sleekness of many horticultural forms, nor the fragility of peaches, sour cherries and plums. It stands boldly against the sky, with its elbows at all angles and its scaly bark holding the snow.

The young man seated himself in another chair which was handed to him by the attentive coroner himself. "Now, Myndert, my good fellow," said the coroner, "if yer knows anything about this affair, fire away." "Will the coroner be good enough to swear the witness?" asked Fayette Overtop. "Oh! I'd quite forgot it." And the coroner mumbled his irreverent jargon.

Overtop and Maltboy, to whom she smiled graciously, rising slightly from her chair, and sinking back again, without disturbing the symmetrical flow of the silken fountain. With a wave of her jewelled right hand she performed the ceremony of introduction between the three callers and Mrs.

She blushed, and would have withdrawn it; but he retained the hand with a gentle pressure. "My dear Miss Pillbody," said Overtop, "I will take five dollars from you on one condition, and no other. Will you grant it?" The schoolmistress, not knowing what she was saying, said "Yes." "The condition is, that I shall buy an engagement ring, and put it on this dear hand."