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Their dismay escaped her. "Well, chicks," she said, "are you managing to enjoy your holiday?" "Yes thank you," they stammered, with as much enthusiasm as they could muster. "That's right. Don't overtire yourselves, but have a nice day. Now I must hurry home to my meal. I expect you have had yours by this time. Ah, I see," glancing at the empty baskets, "every crumb cleared.

Albine and Serge entered the flower garden. She was watching him with tender anxiety, fearing lest he should overtire himself; but he reassured her with a light laugh. He felt strong enough indeed to carry her whithersoever she listed. When he found himself once more in the full sunlight, he drew a sigh of content.

From Glastonbury they motored through the beautiful county of Somerset into leafy Devonshire, taking easy stages so as not to overtire the invalid, and halting at any place where the guide book pointed out objects worthy of notice. To please Carmel, they were making in the direction of Tivermouth, where they hoped to arrive in time to meet the Ingletons.

"It's dreary at this time of the year unless you've time to shoot or hunt, sir. Why not motor to Bath to-morrow? I could wire for rooms, and I could drive you up to London the next day. Motoring's a good way of getting the air, sir, and you won't overtire yourself." "I'll think of it in the morning," his master promised.

"Learn Persian!" said the old man, in an urgent whisper "and get the dictionary by heart!" Lucy still looked wondering. "I finished it this morning," said the Ambassador, in her ear. "To-morrow I shall begin it again. My daughter hates the sight of the thing. She says I overtire myself, and that when old people have done their work they should take a nap.

Ledyard was always challenging his undignified tendencies. "Unless doctors and nurses can leave their sex outside their profession," was a pet epigram of Ledyard's, "they had better choose another." But Travers had never been able to fulfil his partner's ideal. "It was a wonderful operation," he said. "I hope it did not overtire you. You will get hardened after a while." "I am not at all tired.

Sir James was particularly virulent over what he called the intellectuals. . . . "Well, dear, I must go. Don't do too much and overtire yourself. . . ." He strolled out of the smoking-room and posted the letter. Then, refusing the offer of a passing taxi, he turned along Pall Mall on his way to the Savoy. As Vane had said in his letter, Nancy Smallwood had a new craze.

When we reached the hall we met Steinar, who was lingering near the door. He ran forward and helped Iduna to dismount, then said: "Olaf, I know that you must not overtire yourself as yet, but your lady has told me that she desires to see the sunset from Odin's Mount. Have I your leave to take her there?"

"Do not overtire yourself, my dear!" she said, with effusion; and Oliver, looking down, knew very well what his mother's rare effusion meant, if Diana did not. On several occasions Mr. Perrier sought her out, with every mark of flattering attention, while it often seemed to Diana as if the protecting kindness of Sir James Chide was never far away.

She should never be allowed to overtire herself, mentally or physically. And if she should develop any untoward symptom, for Heaven's sake don't hesitate to send for me! I shan't blame you for being too careful." "I understand," Avery said. He flicked his horse's ears, and the animal broke into a trot. When Tudor spoke again, it was upon a totally different matter.