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The most effective point made by Emser and the other defenders of the old Church system, was the old charge that Luther, one man, presumed to oppose the whole of Christendom as hitherto constituted, and by the overthrow of all foundations and authorities of the Church, to bring unbelief, distraction, and disturbance upon Church and State.

Then shalt thou sit on the eternal thrones of heaven and of hell shalt overthrow the planets, stars, and worlds shalt loose thy steed in fields of emeralds and diamonds shalt make his litter of the wings torn from the angels, shalt cover him with the robe of righteousness! Thy saddle shall be broidered with the stars of the empyrean, and then thou wilt destroy it!

It is perhaps still more remarkable to see the Mito clan, under many able and active chiefs, become the centre of the Kinno movement, which was to result in the overthrow of the Tokugawa family, of which it was itself a branch." A Medley of Pantheism. The philosophy of modern Confucianism is wholly pantheistic. There is in it no such thing or being as God.

In that wreck of his fortune and overthrow of all his hopes, books came to his aid, soothed his sorrows, and beguiled the wearisome hours of his gloomy solitude. His studies often stole him from himself, and from the sense of his misfortunes.

He depicted in vivid colours the atrocious cruelties of the conquerors, and the sweeping and enduring innovations that they wrought, involving the overthrow of the ancient constitution, as well as of the last of the Saxon kings.

It has not been impaired, either by separate rights, private earnings, or independent Greek: can it be possible that a little voting will overthrow it? The very ground on which woman suffrage is opposed by its enemies might assuage these fears.

In the intense enthusiasm of the moment over the "new birth of freedom," and the overthrow of the slave power, the doctrine of the "proper status of the Negro" seemed to be eternally repudiated and the agitations relating to it seemed indeed "forever settled."

As for the Conservatives, let them with Guizot at their head, uphold themselves if they can, and let the dynasties under Barrot and Thiers overthrow and succeed their factional foes. Their petty quarrels we care not for.

He revolutionized the service by teaching that cavalry must achieve success by a rapid onset, not stopping to fire themselves, and not regarding the fire of their opponents. By practising these lessons, they were able to overthrow the Austrian infantry.

In her humility she could not deem the instant gain of herself to be an equivalent to him for what he would certainly, and what he might perchance, lose. She feared that he had disguised his father's real displeasure, and she could not reconcile herself to the abrupt overthrow of all the purposes Wilfrid had entertained before he knew her.