United States or Norfolk Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

When they saw us they took us, I believe, for devils, and it was not until we had lassoed the strongest that we were able to overpower them. We bound them and laid them at the bottom of our canoe and took them down to the mission, which was some fifty miles below us. I was told afterwards that only one of them ever recovered his senses; the others either died raving or were hopelessly mad.

Assailing us simultaneously from all sides, and springing suddenly upon the platform, ten to one against us, they could soon overpower us. These were the observations we had made, and the reflections that resulted from them.

The exertions he had gone through had been almost too much even for his well-knit frame; a sort of stupor was stealing over him, and his senses began to wander. Murray discovered his condition with great alarm. He called to him to arouse himself. "Oh, Jack, don't give way," he exclaimed. "If you fall asleep, the cold may overpower you."

Having known the sorrow of love, she was not ashamed to rejoice in love's joy. But she did so meekly and half-tremblingly, scarcely believing that it was such, lest it should overpower her. She set herself to all her duties, and above all, worked sedulously at a picture which she had begun. "It must be finished before Harold comes home," said Harold's mother.

It was only his mishap in sticking fast upon a sand-bank that enabled us to overpower him." "And now he has done the like to you. You speak with a brave man's candour. You shall be at liberty to see the sea, monsieur; for a sailor always pines for that. I will give full instructions to your friend Desportes about you. But one more question before you go is there much anxiety in England?"

"You mistake my position, Raoul; it is not respectful that a simple gentleman, such as I am, should write to his sovereign. I wish to speak, I ought to speak, to the king, and I will do so. We will go together, Raoul." "You overpower me with your kindness, monsieur." "How do you think his majesty is affected?" "Towards me, monsieur?" "Yes." "Excellently well disposed."

But if malt is suffered to remain more than six hours, before the liquor is drawn off, all the nauseous properties will be extracted, and overpower the good ones. It is the same in infusing any sort of well-prepared herbs, and great care therefore is requisite in all preparations, that the pure qualities are neither evaporated or overpowered.

He supposed that foe would sooner or later be able to find it, overpower the sentry, and set Neal free. In the meanwhile, he had nothing to do but wait. He felt a touch on his shoulder, and looked round to see the girl, the inn servant, standing beside him.

My seat was in the very front of the platform, and when we had finished the hymn I noticed that the smell of perspiration was beginning to overpower the oranges. It is my misfortune to have an unusually acute sense of smell. No one afflicted with such an infirmity ought to take any part in the politics of a modern democratic state.

"The Americans but act according to their rights. We should do the same. I am ready to accompany you at any time, Captain Drayton." "You shall not, Clifford," shrieked Harriet, throwing her arms about him. "John Drayton is but one. We can overpower him, and you can escape." "Break my parole!" he ejaculated, horrified. "My sister, you know not what you say."