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Thereupon he related the conversation he had overheard while with Mary at the wayside inn. The eyes of Josephus Baxter gleamed as he listened to this recital. "So that was their game!" he cried, as he smote the table with his fist, thereby nearly upsetting a test tube of acid, which Tom caught just in time.

The whole town knew it, for he had taken pains to spread the news. The woman he had been with knew it from words which she had overheard while on her way to the grounds with him. His friends knew it and would laugh him into forgetfulness as the fool who boasted. Now he understood why he had lost so many friends: they had attempted what he had sworn to attempt.

A general silence would succeed as soon as the savages disposed of themselves to sleep, which would be much more likely to allow his footsteps to be overheard, than when tongues and bodies and teeth were all in active movement.

"You will also order Colonel Blucher to open with all his guns at the moment that General Schmidt's men advance to the attack." "At midnight, sir," was the reply. "That is all." The voices became silent. Quickly Hal reported to Chester what he had overheard. "It's up to us to arouse Captain O'Neill," said Chester. He hurried off. Hal glanced at his watch. It was 10 o'clock.

"That same Saturday evening Bill and Jack Withers DID see one man lugging off another one. That much of what they said is true, and the rest is lies. First off they thought it was a nigger stealing Uncle Silas's corn you notice it makes them look silly, now, to find out somebody overheard them say that.

"David is my friend, and I don't care for any one else," her manner said as plainly as words; and to him she devoted herself so entirely, and apparently so successfully, that Christie made up her mind he had at last begun to forget his Letty, and think of filling the void her loss had left. A few words which she accidentally overheard confirmed this idea, and showed her what she must do.

And now it was Oliver's turn to be provoked. "I think girls are perfectly horrid," he said crossly. Miss Davis, feeding the goldfish in the largest glass bowl, overheard what Oliver said to Helen. "Why, Oliver!" she said in surprise. "How impolite you are! How can you say such a thing to Helen? Besides, didn't you have girls at your birthday party?"

Without a word, he drew me aside, looking about fearfully as though he were afraid of being overheard. "I've just discovered half a dozen sticks of dynamite in the hold," he whispered, hoarsely, staring wide-eyed at me. "There was a timing device, set for to-night. I've severed it. Where's Kennedy?" "Your wireless has been tampered with, too," I blurted out, telling what I had just learned.

You could surely make yourself presentable, especially as you know we are going to Hyde Park Mansions to see Lesbia. This was too much for my equanimity. 'What does it matter? I am not coming with you, Aunt Philippa, I retorted, somewhat vexed at this personality; but Sara overheard us, and strove to pour oil on the troubled waters.

"In addition to that strange interview that I overheard, yet did not understand, there was something else that I saw, but equally did not understand." "What was that?" "Something that happened while we were in New York city in May last." "Will you tell me what it was?" "Yes, certainly. We were staying at the Star Hotel.