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How you ever came to think of it all so pat beats me to a frazzle!" "I was in such a funk I had to think of something," said Tommy simply. There was a moment's pause, and then Tommy reverted to Mrs. Vandemeyer's death. "There's no doubt it was chloral?" "I believe not. At least they call it heart failure induced by an overdose, or some such claptrap. It's all right.

There were a great number of hands, both men and women, employed by Temple and Son, and there was not one on the establishment, male or female, who did not say and believe that Mr Frederick was the best master, not only in Liverpool, but in the whole world. He did not by any means overdose the people with attentions; but he had a hearty offhand way of addressing them that was very attractive.

He has invited us to go with him out to the Bad-Land hills in the summer to search for fossils. The hills are only a few miles from here and I look forward to a splendid time. ... I am so afraid that you will get an overdose of culture from your visit to the Hub and am sending you an antidote of our sage, sand, and sunshine. Mrs. Louderer had come over to see our boy.

Mac-Guffog an awful spectacle, being a woman for strength and resolution capable of maintaining order among her riotous inmates, and of administering the discipline of the house, as it was called, during the absence of her husband, or when he chanced to have taken an overdose of the creature.

"The toothache drops you speak of were compounded by me," he declared, "and they certainly do not act as you describe. Ten drops would produce balmy sleep. An overdose acts as an emetic, and would not remain a moment's time on the stomach. That is their chief virtue in rendering an overdose harmless. I am confident the mischief can not lie with the toothache drops."

The poison was a subtle and slow one, similar in its effects to those used by the Borgia family; the secret of its manufacture was thought to be unknown out of Italy. Fortunately he had taken an under or overdose of it, and the effects manifested themselves only in a long illness.

I forget a great deal after that. It was not till two years afterwards that I learnt that Uncle Silas was found next morning dead of an overdose of laudanum, and that Dudley had disappeared. Milly married her good little clergyman. I am Lady Ilbury now, happy in the affection of a beloved and noble-hearted husband.

On the third day of her treatment I was desperate for sleep, she having forbidden drugs, and I deliberately took an overdose of chloral, thinking to die at once and end it. My condition justified the act.

"Opium can also deprive one of life," said the colonel, who was fond of wandering from the subject, and he began telling how his brother-in-law's wife would have died of an overdose of opium if there had not been a doctor near at hand to take the necessary measures. The colonel told his story so impressively, with such self-possession and dignity, that no one had the courage to interrupt him.

How the individual ability and skill, as well as the group ability and skill is only to be acquired by repetition that establishes habit-action. Why repetition of operation is essential to acquisition of skill and special ability. What are the boundaries that divide the Jack of all Trades, the specialist and the victim of an overdose of repetition work.