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I know that sometimes I have seen farther inside his mind than even he knows, and it has given me an odd feeling of responsibility over him, a responsibility that I can't see just how to carry out." Suddenly she paused. "Reed," she said; "you're not as well, to-day. What is the trouble? Are you overdoing; or has Ramsdell let you strain yourself?"

"It is the perfume which that foolish Ah Li has lighted. He forgets that we are in England." "Not at all," protested Deacon faintly, and conscious that he was making a fool of himself. "I think I have perhaps been overdoing it rather of late. Forgive me if I sit down."

I can't think how my father' and he went on talking to himself, as he retreated into his dressing-room, so that all Violet heard was, 'wife's relations, and 'take warning. He came back to inspect her toilette and suggest adornments, till, finding he was overdoing them, he let her follow her own taste, and was so satisfied with the result, that he led her before the glass, saying, 'There. Mrs.

For a moment I thought of cabling Aunt Agatha to come over, but reason told me that this would be overdoing it. I wanted assistance, but not so badly as that. I hit what seemed to me the happy mean. I cabled to Gussie's mother and made it urgent. 'What were you cabling about? asked Gussie, later. 'Oh just to say I had arrived safely, and all that sort of tosh, I answered.

The arrival of James, in his most pompous mood and accompanied by a stiff, elderly shipping-agent, did not improve matters; and when Gibbons announced that dinner was served, Arthur rose with a little sigh of relief. "I won't come to dinner, Julia. If you'll excuse me I will go to my room." "You're overdoing that fasting, my boy," said Thomas; "I am sure you'll make yourself ill." "Oh, no!

There is little fear of overdoing the mortification of the flesh. We practise a self-denial that takes the form of training for sport, but, like the spectators at a football match, we do our asceticism chiefly by proxy, and are fairly satisfied if the clergy do not drink or give other cause for scandal.

By rights the jar should have contained quite a fortnight's supply of his elixir vitae: and it took him one or two seconds to grasp the full significance of that which had befallen him. "Great Heaven! I must have been overdoing it like blazes this last month," he reflected grimly, "And how about the next ten days?" He stood aghast before that simple question, and its obvious answer.

"I was just going, Miss Grace. But if you want me to stay a little longer, I'll stay." "You'd better go," said Miss Grace. Her eyes followed him sullenly as he went; so did Pilkington's. "Well," she said, "I suppose that's what you wanted?" "Yes, but there's no good overdoing the thing, you know. This," said Pilkington, "is a damned sight too expensive game for him to play." "He's all right.

On the whole, he left the citizens of the great town free to act as they would; but he had, more than once, to exert a decided opposition to their overdoing the thing; for though the Emperor might be able to endure a vast amount of pleasure, what the Alexandrians originally proposed to provide for him to see and hear would have exhausted the most indefatigable human energy.

"Bellford, old man," he said, cordially, "I'm glad to see you again. Of course we know everything is all right. I warned you, you know, that you were overdoing it. Now, you'll go back with us, and be yourself again in no time." I smiled ironically. "I have been 'Bellforded' so often," I said, "that it has lost its edge. Still, in the end, it may grow wearisome.