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"I don't want any trouble with the police," said the pawnbroker, as he took it from him. "You are talking now as though you have just made a small advance on a stolen overcoat," said his friend impatiently. "A risk like that and you have done it before now is a foolish one to run; the game is not worth the candle. But this why it warms one's blood to look at it."

I stood, with fingers clasped about the curtain-cord, enduring conscious paralysis. And he? He laid his overcoat across one chair; next to it was the one on which the portrait of the young girl had been placed. In front of it Mr. Axtell kneeled down, buried his face in his hands, and remained motionless.

I was proceeding to ruin myself in playing the eccentric millionaire when the door opened, giving entrance to a group of breakfasters. "There he is that's the man!" said the homoeopathist, much excited, and indicating to the blue coat a brisk, capable-looking gentleman of thirty-two in a neat silver-gray overcoat.

The eight children were always either being taken out to walk, or to ride in perambulators, by comfortable nurses; or they were going to drive with their mamma; or they were flying to the door in the evening to kiss their papa and dance around him and drag off his overcoat and look for packages in the pockets of it; or they were crowding about the nursery windows and looking out and pushing each other and laughing, in fact they were always doing something which seemed enjoyable and suited to the tastes of a large family.

Why didn't you watch 'em instead of readin' your old Scandinavian paper?" answered Charlie, hanging his overcoat and cap behind the door and laying his mittens under the stove to dry. Then he drew up a chair and with much exertion pulled off his heavy felt boots and stood them beside his mittens. "Why didn't you shut the gate after you came in from town?

Here the corporal abruptly commanded his prisoner to halt and himself paused and stood stiffly at attention, saluting a group of three officers who were approaching with the evident intention of entering the trench. One of these loosed upon the pair the flash of a pocket lamp. At sight of the gray overcoat all three stopped short.

Then he got his shoes and overshoes together. When he took his overcoat from its place against the partition, a long ray of yellow light shot across the dark enclosure, a knot hole, evidently, in the high wainscoating of the west room. He had never noticed it before, and without realizing what he was doing, he stooped and squinted through it.

"But I'd take my 'davy about the coat and the hat! That's what the gentleman was wearing as I drove this morning take my Gospel oath on it." "He recognizes the furred overcoat and the soft hat," murmured Mr. Tertius. "Very good very good! All right, my man we are much obliged to you."

The French construction relies entirely on the thick body, while the English method aims at utilizing the whole section of the gun, both ways. Of course, if the others are strong enough, there is no particular advantage in this; and it is by no means improbable that eventually we shall find it cheaper, and equally good, to substitute hoops for the "overcoat."

His face, upturned, gleamed deathly white. It was the face of Archie Bathurst. West suddenly squared his shoulders and blocked the opening. "Go and get an overcoat, you young fool!" he said. Archie gave a great start, stood a second, then, without a word, turned back and disappeared. West left his sheltered corner and paced forward across the deck.