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Donning overalls, and with ordinary rule in his hip pocket as against the slide-rule with which he had worked out his theoretical calculations during his college years he went to work at whatever was assigned him as a task by his superiors shop foremen, assistant superintendent, occasionally an engineer from the office. This young man did many things.

Furthermore, the State charges this Trust no rent for the use of its huge factory, charges nothing for power, heat, light, or even drainage, and exacts no taxes. What graft! It is estimated that more than twelve million dollars' worth of workingmen's shirts and overalls is produced annually in this country by prison labor.

He was hatless, coatless, muddy from his work in the ditches. A pair of faded blue overalls were belted to his lean middle by a buckskin thong, and his feet were incased in wet moccasins. He came noiselessly but swiftly, not of purpose, but from habit, with a soft, springy step; and he was level with them before they were aware of him.

The Virginian reached his saddle under a shed. "So she's never mentioned it," said he, untying his slicker for the trousers and scarf. "I didn't notice Lin anywheres around her." He was over in the dugout now, whipping off his overalls; and soon he was excellently clean and ready, except for the tie in his scarf and the part in his hair. "I'd have knowed her in Greenland," he remarked.

To-day, as your husband understands, I am a tramp from the city looking for work. I have found it, and have been engaged. Miss Banning, I shall hold you inflexibly to our agreement a pair of overalls and dinner." Sue said a few words of explanation. Her mother laughed, but urged, "Do go and change your dress." "I protest!" cried Mr. Minturn. "The walking-suit and overalls go together."

Beneath the shadow of a mighty bridge I stepped into a very smart launch manned by sailors in overalls somewhat grimy, and, rising and falling to the surge of the broad river, we held away for a destroyer that lay grey and phantom-like, low, rakish, and with speed in every line of her.

This vulgar society, these simple, plain, sentiments, the sweetheart in a calico gown, the respectable old man in short frock and overalls, the sharp lines where here and there boldly rang out a slang word of the faubourg; above all, the scene representing a mill in full activity, with its grumbling workmen, its machines in motion, even the continual puffing of steam, all displeased the worldly people and shocked them.

Place them in a hospital, put them in a gaol in yellow overalls, do what you will, young Jessamy finds young Jenny. O, have it your own way; I am too old a hand to argue with young gentlemen who choose to fancy themselves in love; I have too much experience, thank you.

His hands rested on his hips, his thumbs hooked inside his overalls; a gawky pose that fitted well his colourless personality, and left his right hand close to his six-shooter. "Cor'ner comin'?" he asked, nodding at the two who were almost strangers to him. "Sorry, he got back two hours ago, and he said the cor'ner would be right out. But he ain't showed up yet."

In other cases a day's work brought in but 25 cents, and seventeen overalls of blue denim gave a return of 75 cents. Two and a half cents each is paid for the making of boys' gingham waists, with trimming on neck and sleeves, including the button-holes; and the women who made these sat sixteen hours at the sewing-machine, with a result of 25 cents. This was for irregular work.