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Now all the dim hosts surged forward since each outworn soul believed that it had suffered most and was in the bitterest need of peace. But the Helpers and the Guardians gently pressed them back, and again there pealed, no question but a command. This was the command: "Draw near, thou Hare."

Given the age of the ordinary individual that is to say of the gentleman 'fond of books, but who has really no time for reading' and it is easy enough to guess his literary idols. They are the gods of his youth, and, whether he has been 'suckled in a creed outworn' or not, he knows no other.

Or, rather, his brain lived, and compelled the shattered and outworn body to comply with its will. Doctor Byrne turned and stared again at the face of Cumberland. He felt as if he understood, now, the look which was concentrated so brightly on the vacant air. It was illumined by a steady and desperate defiance, for the old man was denying his body to the grave.

No other policy could have been as efficient in promoting peace in the Western Hemisphere and in giving to each nation thereon the chance to develop along its own lines. If we had refused to apply the doctrine to changing conditions it would now be completely outworn, would not meet any of the needs of the present day, and, indeed, would probably by this time have sunk into complete oblivion.

But perhaps yet nobler in the sight of God surely more conformed to His methods in nature and history is that other idealism which patiently bows to the yoke of the actual, and endures the agony of keeping true at once to the heavenly vision and to the imperfect earthly form. Iconoclastic zeal against outworn or corrupt institutions fires our facile enthusiasm.

Sometimes, in our College Library, I take down an old folio from the shelves, and as I turn the crackling, stained, irregular pages it may be a volume of controversial divinity or outworn philosophy it seems impossible to imagine that it can ever have been woven out of the live brain of man, or that any one can ever have been found to follow those old, vehement, insecure arguments, starting from unproved data, and leading to erroneous and fanciful conclusions.

Love wounds as cruelly when he fails, as when he strikes; and even when Cornelia had outworn thought and feeling, and fallen into a sorrowful sleep, she was conscious of this failure, and her soul sighed all night long "He might have written!" The night so unhappy to Cornelia was very much more unhappy to Hyde.

The Meaning of Political Life It is a well-known fact that when words have been long and vigorously used they gather within and around themselves varied meanings. Some parts of these meanings are remnants of historic, and possibly outworn, experience; other parts are the result of more or less deliberate perversion under the stress of deep feelings aroused by opposition and fighting.

Fra Domenico checked his upraised hand, and fell to muttering scraps of Latin, his lids veiling his suddenly down-cast eyes. Thus Peppe gained the door. "Say, friar; in my ear, now Was that a hare you stewed, or an outworn sandal?" "Now, God forgive me," roared the monk, springing towards him. "For your cooking? Aye, pray on your knees." He dodged a blow, ducked, and doubled back into the room.

It must be remembered that the very thing that makes so many objects poetical I mean their traditional association with normal human life is the thing that has to be destroyed if the new birth is to take place. The ice-cold austerity of mind, indicated in the superb contempt of the Nietzschean phrase, "human, too human," is a mood essential, if the world is to cast off its "weeds outworn."