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The full moon rising in the east had cast a nebulous glow over the whole countryside by now; and she could make a hasty estimation of their numbers. It was evident at once that her father had not made the expedition alone. The large outfit implied a party of at least three, indicating that Ray Brent and Chan Heminway had accompanied him.

In another hour the entire camping outfit would be loaded on the waiting flat-cars and taken to the end of the track which again stretched over two miles westward and a new camping-ground found, after which breakfast would be served and the phenomenal track-laying be again continued.

Maurice and her daughter such an outfit as he had never dreamed of; such warm woolens for the storms, such soft linens for the heats, such finery for port, such dainties and delicacies as only the first mate of the Frarnie could think to have.

But the main fact, that Randerson had killed another man in his outfit, found its way to Ruth's ears through the medium of a roaming puncher who had stopped for an hour at the ranchhouse.

Berrie also had keen eyes for his outfit and his training, and under her direction he learned to pack a horse, set a tent, build a fire in the rain, and other duties. "You want to remember that you carry your bed and board with you," she said, "and you must be prepared to camp anywhere and at any time."

If she turned the horse out, he would come back anyway; for Cy was the town-bred horse, always waiting anxiously about camp for his vanished stable; and Garth had further trained him to stick to the outfit, with judicious presents of salt and tobacco. Rina, disdaining a saddle, scrambled on his back, and rode off. Garth waited, not without anxiety, to see what direction she would take.

He had worked for the Flying U when it was strictly a bachelor outfit, and with the tenacity of slow minds he held J. G. Whitmore, his beloved "Old Man," as but a degree lower than that mysterious power which made the sun to shine and, if the truth were known, he had accepted him as being quite as eternal.

"But they'll be on our trail as soon as they know we've gone. They'll force Miss Rutherford to tell which way we came." Dingwell grinned. "Son, did you ever look into that girl's eyes? They look right at you, straight and unafraid. The Huerfano Park outfit will have a real merry time getting her to tell anything she doesn't want to. When she gets her neck bowed, I'll bet she's some sot.

"This outfit looks good to me," said the elder cowman to Priest, "and you can count on my company to the railroad." "You're just the man I'm looking for," replied the trail boss. "We're making forty miles a day, and you can have charge until we reach Dodge." "But I only volunteered as far as the railroad," protested the genial Texan. "Yes; but then I know you cowmen," contended Priest.

He had not much time to balance the matter; for on the very next day, Walter received from Mr Carker the Manager, the necessary credentials for his passage and outfit, together with the information that the Son and Heir would sail in a fortnight, or within a day or two afterwards at latest.