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"We have no public market in this city, and it is very difficult for the poorer sort to get fresh food." "You'd oughter see the California markets!" the young man bragged. "Tell me about them," the judge said.

"Looks like when we all can trust Mr. Hoover to be so good and kind to you and your children, after he have done waded into the marrying of you, we oughter find some way to save his feelings from being mortified. Can't you hatch out a idea, Elinory?"

Then I hear all o' suddent voice o' Mary Ellen talkin' in kitchen; then I come round softly and see Mary Ellen my wife as useter be standin' at fr'en's kitchen winder. Then I lights out quicker 'n lightnin' and scoots! And when I gets back home, I ups and tells my wife. And whosh fault ish't! Who shaid a man oughter tell hish wife? You!

Can't you see, Glory?" "Hush, hush!" said Glory, breathlessly, as a burst of brilliant melody floated over to her ear. "They're making music now. Don't you hear?" "No. How can I, with my head in the pillow? I'm coming there to sit with you, Glory." And the boy scrambled from his feed to the window. "No, no! you'll ketch cold. Besides, you'd oughter go to sleep.

Bigsby, "ye didn't let that poor feller" "You hol' on!" said her brother; "business is business; but I sez to him: 'Ye oughter put it down to Profit and Loss account. Or perhaps we'll have a chance o' gettin' rid o' them, not in Noo York, where folks is sharp, but here in the country, and then ye kin credit yourself with the amount arter you've got rid o' them." "Laws!

"Can't you steer for the shore, Solly Rosenbug?" said Dotty. "You hadn't oughter made us come," sobbed Lina. Johnny joined the mournful chorus. "There goes my hat! You were in pretty business knocking it off my head, Dot Dimple!" "I never; and I didn't mean to," replied Dotty, too much subdued to retort with her usual spirit. "Fish it out with the paddle," remarked Solly, coolly.

Mrs. Spafford, having two children of her own, tried to enlist our sympathies. "I'm kinder sick," she told us, "of cookin' an' teachin'; an' the hot weather's comin' on, too. You'd oughter let 'em hev that old adobe." "But who will teach the children?" we asked. "We've fixed that," said Mrs. Spafford.

"Know dat, but, den, expect maybe 'twill. Bes' to be ready for it when does come." "But, as there were no evidences of a storm coming very soon, why should you get in there just now?" "Storms out in dese parts bust berry suddent sometimes. Oughter know dat, Massa Canfield." "Yes, I do; but, why in the name of common sense did you set up such a growling when I came near your old cabin?"

"I don't know," answered Mother, though her eyes did twinkle at the thought of this allied force of seventeen, "there never was a better child-raiser than Bettie Pratt and I'll be mighty glad to see them poor, forlorn little Hoovers turned over to her. They've been on my mind night and day since they mother died and they ain't a single one of 'em as peart as it had oughter be.

Renshaw, ez she's the only prop'ty I've kept by me for seventeen years ez hez paid interest and increased in valooe, it ain't sayin' too much to call her so. And ez Ferrers knows this, he oughter been content with gougin' me in that horse-hair spec, without goin' for Rosey.