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Joey looked disgusted, but soon recovered and fell to revolving a new idea in his fertile young brain. "I know where there is a school," he remarked. "I've never went, but I hung on ter the window-sill an' looked in, an' if yer went ter school up there, yer oughter be goin' down here, see!" And forthwith Joey arose.

"You hadn't oughter gone to him by yourself." "But," Miss Pilgrim protested, "lots of people have said that, and it's all wrong. It was he that nicknamed me the 'vice-vice, and now all the police in the streets salute me when they see me. Even that first time, before I knew him or anything, he was just as nice as he could be.

"Didn't they oughter have suthin' out of their native country? Wot for? Did they ever improve? Got a lot of yaller-skinned diggers, not so sensible as niggers to look arter stock, and they a sittin' home and smokin'. With their gold and silver candlesticks, and missions, and crucifixens, priests and graven idols, and sich? Them sort things wurent allowed in Mizzoori."

His audience broke into a shout of enjoyment. "Dat 'ar incerdent stirred up my paketriotit feelin's consider'ble at de moment. I couldn't seem to see it in de light what p'raps I oughter seen it in. I rared roun' a good deal, an' fer a moment er two, I didn't seem tar mind which side beat de oder. Jest dat 'casion.

It showed them that they were really the owners of a prize whose value was incalculable. 'Ef the old thing will only last, said Baldy, when they had sunk down to a moderate trot again. 'What's to binder? 'Dunno; yer oughter be able to tell. But these new-fangled things generally go well at first, and then, afore yer know it, they bust all to blazes. 'No fear of this.

He'd never oughter been let to git on there ag'in. I've been away, or I'd heard of it before. Is he off?" "Not yet," replied Preston, smiling secretly. "I wanter know why not? I won't have him snoopin' around there. It was understood when I sold Tingley that island that I reserved sartain rights " "This here is Mis' Tingley," interposed Preston, turning the old man's attention to the lady.

Imagine the feelings of Gallup. After making that throw Ephraim walked round and round in a circle for at least half a dozen times. "That's abaout the most expensive gol-darned fool thing I ever done!" he mumbled to himself. "Waal, by gum, I deserve it! Any man that's fool enough to bet every dollar he's gut in the world on a baseball game oughter lose.

Pretty soon he came, riding like mad on that wheel thing of his. He stayed 'most an hour, and came out with a face a yard long. I expect it's her last sickness, don't you?" "Mebbe so!" said the deacon, dubiously. "Mis' Tree has had a long life; she'd oughter be prepared; I trust she is. She has always loved the world's things, but I trust she is. Ain't this ruther a slim dinner, Viny?

He smiled politely and said nothing, at which the first speaker turned to him: "Thar ain't anything to see to-day, but to-morrow, ez things go, the water oughter be droppin'. Mebbe you'd like to wash up now and clean yourself," he added, with a glance at Hemmingway's small portmanteau.

He fa'r jump, he did; an' den bimeby Mist' Vanrevel he say dat no man oughter be given de pilverige to sell another, ner to wollop him wid a blacksnake, whether he 'buse dat pilverige er not.