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It is a love-coloured landscape, we know it full well; and nothing in the fair world about us is half as beautiful as what we see in each other's eyes. Ah, the memories of these first golden mornings together after our long separation. I shall sprinkle them with lavender and lay them away in that dim chamber of the heart where we keep precious things. We all know the chamber.

Rodin perceived the other's thoughts, and continued "Oh, Rancey was not now the man to content himself with a vague, passing prayer, uttered in the whirl of the world's business, which swallows it up, and prevents it from reaching the ear of heaven.

There was no inequality between them except such as nature had given in the strength of arm and back. They swayed in silent, terrible determination each to have the other's life, and Morgan had a glimpse, as he turned, of women and children watching them from the corner near the bank, huddled groups out of which he knew many a hope went out for his victorious issue.

What progress could mankind make in the forests, scattered up and down among the other animals? And to what degree could men mutually improve and enlighten each other, when they had no fixed habitation, nor any need of each other's assistance; when the same persons scarcely met twice in their whole lives, and on meeting neither spoke to, or so much as knew each other?

Such, in outline, is the history of these two men until Fate threw them in each other's way. New York City was the arena where the battle was fought. Within a few years, Hamilton and Burr were the most famous men in the town.

Let them destroy each other's navies, we can construct ours with the wrecks of their vessels; when we shall save our money to buy nails." "Oh, how paltry and mean is all this that you are telling me, monsieur le cardinal!" "Yes, but nevertheless it is true, sire; you must confess that. Still further.

Men lay side by side, without knowing each other's language; yet, because they were fighting the same enemy, felt themselves as brothers. "Ah, yes," said a young French officer, who had been wounded on the day when Bob had been stricken down, "we're at the beginning of a new era. Yes, we have had compulsory military service in France; we have been obliged to have it.

Cecil glanced sharply at the other's hair, harsher and more wiry now, and intersected with silvery threads, still it was like enough to satisfy her of the identity without the confirmatory cry of surprise with which the poor woman received it from her hands.

"The hour is nothing," de Lincy replied; "I have always received visitors in bed." "But not always relatives." A lofty look passed over the other's face. "I am the only de Lincy." "Will Monsieur lend me his seal?" said Maître Gilles to Lecour. Then, handing it to the de Lincy, he exclaimed, "Here is a discovery of mine!" "What, are these my arms?" cried the old man.

With a determined effort, Louise wrenched them away. "Don't you hear what I say? It's true all true every word of it!" At the cruel repetition, he went pale, and after that, seemed to go on growing paler, until his face was like a sheet of paper. A horrible silence ensued; neither dared to let go of the other's eyes. "My God!" he said at last. "My God!"