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I waited for the snow tull clear, an' there was Narrow Reach, nice uz ye please, tull the east'ard an' the islands un the mouth o' False Bay tull the south'ard. 'What course was ye steerun'? I says tull the mon ot the wheel. 'South-by-east, sir, says he. I looked tull the mate-fellow. What could I say? I was thot wroth I could a-kult hum. Four points dufference.

One day when I came into some American theater to dress I found Sally nearly in tears. "What's the matter with you, Sally?" I asked. "I 'aven't 'ad a morsel to heat all day, dear, and I can't 'eat my iron." "Eat your iron, Sally! What do you mean?" "'Ow am I to iron all this, dear?" wailed Sally, picking up my Nance Oldfield apron and a few other trifles. "It won't get 'ot."

Princess. I've put on the velvet, you see, Clive though it's very 'ot in May. Good-bye, my dear. The drawing would be done the next day, when he would call with it in his hand. Of course Madame de Florac received this announcement very kindly; and sent back by Clive's servant a note of thanks to that young gentleman.

Why, I dunno where they've bin and put our little parler where me and Maria 'ave set of a hevenin' all these years regular. I dunno where they've put the pantry, nor yet the bath-room, with 'ot and cold water laid on at my own expense. And you arsk me to find your hevenin' soot! I consider, sir, I consider that a unwall that a most unwarrant-terrible liberty have bin took at my expense."

It was not aristocratic, it is true, but, I repeat, it was not unpleasant, nor do I believe that any young man, however refined, would have found it unpleasant. But if I was offered a choice between a chop and steak in the evening, in the morning I had to decide between eggs and bacon and bacon and eggs. A knocking at the door, "Nine o'clock, sir; 'ot water, sir; what will you have for breakfast?"

He had made his servant polish the buckles of his shoes, and instead of a band of linen round his throat, he wore a strip ot cloth covered with small white beads, edged above and below with a single row of pale blue ones. As he mounted the steps with Ferris, Mrs. Vervain came forward a little to meet them, while Florida rose and stood beside her chair in a sort of proud suspense and timidity.

Moor," said the captain, who stood beside the wheel. "Yes, sir," answered the imperturbable second mate, who thereupon gave the necessary order, and when the depth was ascertained, the report was "Ten fathoms, sand, with a 'ot bottom." "A hot bottom! what do you mean?" "The lead's 'ot, sir," replied the sailor. This was true, as the captain found when he applied his hand to it.

A half-a-dollar is equal to an English florin; but no coin was handed over four sticks ot tobacco costing the trader about ten cents, was the equivalent. So my friend decided to show the natives that he could do without them as far as his fish supply went.

"You mean 'E 'As a 'Ot temper," said the presiding magistrate. "I mean 'E 'As a 'Ot temper," replied Polly, magically incapable of aspirates for the moment. "You don't mean 'E ketches cholera." "I mean he's easily put out." "Then why can't you say so?" said the presiding magistrate. Parsons was bound over.

"The Brownbies are a bad lot, but I don't think they'd do any thing of this kind," said Harry, whose mind was still dwelling on the dangers of fire. "They likes muttons, Mr. 'Eathcote." "I suppose they do take a sheep or two now and then. They wouldn't do worse than that, would they?" "Not'ing too 'ot for 'em; not'ing too 'eavy," said Karl, smoking his pipe.