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It is probable that the opulent gentlemen who accompanied the mission as volunteers laid out nearly as much more from their private resources. The malecontents at the coffeehouses of London murmured at this profusion, and accused William of ostentation.

"But neither could it occur to me as necessary to state on our Proceedings every little aid that I could thus procure; nor do I know how I could have stated it without appearing to court favor by an ostentation which I disdained, nor without the chance of exciting the jealousy of my colleagues by the constructive assertion of a separate and unparticipated merit, derived from the influence of my station, to which they might have had an equal claim."

Do not fancy, reader, that there was any inconsistency in the priest's presence at this fete. This was not considered a show of Vanity Fair, but a commemoration of patriotic sacrifice. The Church patronised it, even with ostentation. There were troops of priests in the park that night.

It had come out into the full sunlight; it thrilled and quivered at the least appeal, proud and happy to assert itself, to manifest itself with the beautiful tumultuous ostentation of the South; and it was the "neutrals" that now hid themselves after the manner of unspeakable insects. That species had all but disappeared, annihilated by the storm that was gathering on every hand.

The magnanimous know very well that they who give time, or money, or shelter, to the stranger, so it be done for love and not for ostentation, do, as it were, put God under obligation to them, so perfect are the compensations of the universe. In some way the time they seem to lose is redeemed and the pains they seem to take remunerate themselves.

This was not unreasonable, and to this, within limits, the marquis did not demur; so the establishment at Beaujardin was kept up in a style fairly befitting their rank, but without needless ostentation.

Well, then, I will kill him. I will be the Charlotte Corday of this Marat." Gindrier claimed the body of Baudin. The Commissary of Police only consented to restore it to the family on exacting a promise that they would bury it at once, and without any ostentation, and that they would not exhibit it to the people.

Walter Stone was also pleased with his niece's interest in the detail of the ranch work. She was as a daughter to him. Some day the property would be hers. Fully conscious, from within herself, of her dependence upon her uncle, Louise managed to be of inestimable service. She performed her self-allotted tasks without ostentation.

He sneered at them as "vulgar new-comers"; he professed abhorrence of their ostentation. But he and Gertrude, his wife envied them, talked of them constantly, longed to imitate, to surpass them. In the fullness of time his temptation came. He shivered, shrank, leaped headlong his wife pushing.

No: it is not in harmony; nor is it meant to be in harmony. On the contrary, it is meant to be in antagonism and intense repulsion. And yet, from the blindness or inconsiderate examination of his critics, this latent wisdom this cryptical science of poetic effects in the mighty poet, has been misinterpreted, and set down to the account of defective skill, or even of puerile ostentation.