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I see he would go, and I reached my hand up, and sez I, "Dear Josiah, farewell!" But he only nodded to me, and I hearn him murmurin' darkly "Seein' he's so dum accommodatin' that he's took wimmen's work on him that they ort to do themselves, I'll give him a pull that will be apt to teach him his own place."

The idee would keep a sayin' to me, "It is one of the most beautiful places in our native land. The waters will help you, the inspirin' music, and elegance and gay enjoyment you will find there, will sort a uplift you. You had better go there on a tower;" and agin it sez, "Mebby it will help Josiah's corns." And old Dr. Good old creetur, he don't get along as well as he ort to.

And then he wanted to know "if I wanted him squshed into jelly by comin' in by the side of it or if I thought he wuz a crane, that he could step over it or a stream of water that he could run under it, or what else do you think?" He hollered wildly. "Wall," sez I, "you hadn't ort to got it fixed in that shape. I told you what end to move first," sez I. "You have moved it in side-ways.

"That," said the humorist, tilting back his straw hat, "is the very reason they call it the Gray Lake. The world bristles with misnomers." "Which explains," said the lady sceptic, "why they call Eamonn a seannachie." "Hi!" called out the humorist. "Do you hear that, Eamonn?" "Cad ort?" asked Eamonn.

Stoddard he just sees how awful smart she is, and he loves to lend her books and talk with her about 'em afterward. For my part I ain't never seen look nor motion about Mr. Gray Stoddard that wasn't such as a gentleman ort to be. I know he never said nothin' he ort not to me." The suggestion of Stoddard's making advances of unseemly warmth to Mandy Meacham produced a subdued snicker.

"Well, I spoze the opium eater and cocaine fiend hanker after the fool paradise these drugs take 'em into, but that's no sign that they ort to destroy themselves with 'em." "Coffee, too, is deleterious," sez Elder Wessel. "Some say that it is worse than whiskey."

I had seen enough trouble caused by folks in high station not holdin' up temperance principles at banquets, and I wuzn't to be ketched in the same way, so I waived it off with a noble and lofty jester, but Miss Meechim drinked wine every time it wuz passed, and she got real tonguey before we went home, and her eyes looked real kinder glassy glassier than a perfessor's eyes ort to look.

And there wuz great strains put onto our minds, us men that sot, that wimmen couldn't be expected to grapple with, and hadn't ort to try to. It wuz a great strain onto us." "What was the nater of the strain?" sez I. "I didn't know as you did a thing only sot still there and go to sleep. You wuz fast asleep there most the hull of the time, for it come straight to me from them that know.

He uttered, on the occasion, so many incoherent blessings in Gaelic and English, that Mac-Ivor, rather scandalized at the excess of his acknowledgements, cut them short, by exclaiming, 'CEUD MILE MHALLOICH ART ORT! i.e. 'A hundred thousand curses on you! and so pushed the helper of men out of the cabin.

And thereafter, when it was speeding on, and the twilight dusking apace, she looked aback, and seemed to see the far-off woodland in the northern ort, and the oak-clad ridge, where she had met her wood- mother; and then it was as if Habundia were saying to her: Meet again we shall. And therewith straightway became life sweeter unto her.